9° A ¥ O. Y A G. E T O
November. of hekeight ©r ten 'librtik
from Qtaheitey to feieh.his mother-; but Iifcohdi had-only
half. uncJerftoQd him*;. forwe
were to-failthere in the fh ip : however* hebfeemedt$
feel-no gfea±.difappaihtme®t at my not wi{h;jhis
wifh.. Tetburoa, hei informed' me, is ■the praperty:!h^Jhi^
family»; He hikewif© fpoke to me-aho®tt< ao illahd eldled'
R©o.?opow,.' tfe- iittiation o f which h e dPferibed to be-fo
the, eaftward of Gtaheite four m-- five days* faify andltba&
th^e«wfci!Kjlp;^E japatoafe; mpGhd£'W$t&»^|&h£ -The
truth dfi this., account he- very ftreauoufly I infixed upohy
add. wiihed*ri^ tOigo>lhifrher-v^thvMm*
hnojw: whether. or. n o t Tmah
whimfieal and.» fabulous account.; fear; thdugfe they- have*
credulity fufficieritlto believe anything,- however impF-oba^
hie,|they** are at the -fame time few much adfiiifed^i^ t?Mt'
fpeciesof wit whieh. -wje humlmgi> itlist ; j
difficult todifcover whether »they Sre in jeffi^df ^arS^S?.'
Theic ideas ofjg&gksphy are very fimple-: they believe‘the*'
woiM to be aifixed-fdabe o f great-extent; ahd--th’at thgduray
msbny and ft ars, are a l lin mot ion rbhfed-it. • I'ha,^e b ita i
fteqj*ently afked^by 3them,»tf L'have «8* f a k #
fan* and. moon';; for tbey think'we are^fuchgreat triveiMrs*
that fcarce any undertaking is beyond Out ability. •
Anof her ifland, .'called. Tappttboh fit&ated likewifb th e
eaftwardj was defciabed to me byiTioahytfee iahabitaftts
of which were feid to b e a lf wartiors^ahd 'that the people
o f Otaheite did. not d are to: g® there. He toM' me, that Very*
lately a canoe from- Tappuboi was at -the iflahd Mhitea;
that as foort, as they landed they began to-fight with th e
people of Maiteay who killed them aHj^3^^jt; a^yOung fady-
and a woman* who have fince been at Gtaheite. I faw-the
■ .%■.. ■ . boy*
T H E S O U T H rS$'A'S,A8ec. pi
boy, It is'moll ij*»..
probable, H^at.iJjis .uj^fortiiifigte. vifi't .of the ca»Oe from .Novembe*‘,
Tappuhoi | -biut^eccsfwined h y vadverfei
wmdsodyhjqbi fopggd them- fo-far from'their owfa ifland-;
and that\ the peOBh of Mahea began the; af tacky taking M-
vagjag-g. of their fuperior numbers-,- on account of fome>
fomipeg quarrel? •
’Tpqrfday 13th. I had- a ‘large company to'drne with me3 Thuraay
to-day.,, ;gome{pf jmyr.cQnftanpvifiitors had ohferved, that1 IJ’
we alvvayss drUnk; his M^efty’s health, as fboir a's. the cloth'
was removed’; but - they were byi-thisi time beoorhe ffi fopd
Qfr-wihe, th^t .thMy-jwonld^ frequently.renihud ike■>of* the
health in the middle of dinner,,by calling out King ©eotge
Eargenq ;B£itt-annee';' and would banter .meif the giadfs Was
nqt.fi-lied’ to ,th e brim. i. Nothing fconM exceed the mirth'
apd jollity p f ithefe. people,, when they mef on hoarder '
: I "was afihrkdsrbyy^dcliiddee,',' an d ifevefal,others; ■ th at the*
vi4ies-’planled,at the ifland Hua-bedire-by Gaptainr; Cook,i h ad
fu©e©eded$aftd?b©re' fruit:; {and that fome-af the other plants,'
both a& HuaheiEte, and at Oaifeepeha,’ a diffodcSbon the S E.
part-of-Qtdheite, had’beenlpreffeiffdd j and were ik .a thriving^
tmarogSMih^ife liMewife; infoimM,:1* thati thei-e wasia buiiia'nd '
aiemvaliifye'at Otaheatei but,onidiJferent\pBdts»!ftth&'i®aMd^
th«'former at a place called Itteah; thelatter^aiS 'the diftri^t of ‘
Tettaha. '’i *All the reft were taken away or deftfoyed by-the'-
pepple’pf Eteieo. As Tettaha I
determined-to1 gp thithefi rnyfelf;; the ifij^o^brediiiey, tsa®®'
m akei enquiries,: in hopfesthat Ithe breed migbt-ftili- be» pre-3
I had much difcourfe with my guefts "about Oraaiu; t-hey^
confirmed .to me, that h e died,*-about th irty »kionths after:
Captain Cook left the iflands. .Soon after Captains Cook’s
N 2 •. , ^ departure ,