126 A V O Y A G E T Q
FebIIaW of England’s friendfhip,, that they would exert theft
■ —— 1 utmeft endeavours t® finds- out the offenders* Which they
faithfully promifed. O w reconc^afion aceordiag^y'too^
place; ■ and meffeagers were: fent to acquaint Otow and
Teppshoo, and to invite them to return,.
It has finceaceurred to me, that this attemphto^ut the
fhip adrift, was ffloft probably th e ad to f tome of, our own
people ; whefepurpofeof remaining at Otaheite might have
been effedtually anfwered, without danger, i f the fhip had
been drivpoonfoea-e;. At the time, I entertained not the
le^cthought of this hind,inpr d§d; the jK?ffi.hilityijf it enter
into my ideas, having no ftdpkion that to general an inclination*
or to ftrong an attachment to fchefe ifiands, could;
prevail among my people* as to induee them toabandou
every of returning to their native country.
A meffengercame to. me this afternoon, from. the'Earee'
o f T?iafr^jou^ the SjE divifion -of Otaheite,with
tion; tohme: to? vifit. him, I exeufedi myfelf on accounts o f
the diftance, aud^at Tinah’s requeft, feat-back hy the.’
mefifenger a. handtomfe prefentn which J- hope Tinah will;
get tfie credit,of. I obferv©% wafh much fatisfadiion, that
a.gre»t'part of what,/fiinah , had received fxx^ mej3he‘h#d
diftributod; to tome, out of. friendfhip arid efleem, and to
others» from motives o f political civility.
Taeasr 1®. Tfcppahooand his family left mto-day.to gnto Tettaha,;
where a grand heiva was to be performed, at which their
paefencO .y as required.
Weinefday A fm all party of heiva people pafled through Gpaarre this
Iu naorning, in their way to Tettaba, where they were going
by appointment. They had the civility to fend me word,
that, i f 1 chofe, they would Hay to perform a ftiort heiva
before me; and I immediately attended. It began b y a
dance of two young girts, to themufic of drums and fluted, *789.
which lafted'no-long time; at the conclufton, they fuddeti- f ZBRPAIt^
ly dropped dir their drefs, which was left as a prefent for
me, and went off'withdut my feeing them any more. After
thisV’the men danced -. -their' performaneeWas more in-
deeeritthan any I had before’ feen, but was not the’ left applauded’on
that; dcoouht-bythe natives, who feetned much
After this entertainment, I went with Tinah and Iddeah,
tb pay a vifit to an olfl'kidy named'WartoW-pora, widow to
Towah; the late Eaf ee 'of Tettahaj Whb condudifed the expedition
agamfe; EimCo; When Captain' Cook was herd in
1777. The old’lady had jttfr landed, and we found her fitting
on the beach,i;hy the heud'of hef cariofe.1’1 With Tinah,
Was ’ar prfeftand'three ftiefl'/1 vfrho' carried a youhg dog, a
fowl, and trWo young plantain houghs’: thefe'wete intentied
Torthe offering, or pref|nt, called Gfee. Tinah afid liis
party feated thfemfelves at* about ten yards1 diflance from
Wanow-doira; and were addreffed hy her, in fhort fenteftces,
for arfew minutes, and received her Otee, Which’Was ekavSt-
ly the .fame as his. TinalTs pried:, in return, made a fhort
prayety’atid' his offering Was prefentedfo the‘old lady. Ti-
nafethen rofe and* went to her1, ati^'embraced’her in a "very
affectionate manner; and fhe returned’ his Mndnefs With
teats' and many expreffions which I coiild not ufrderftand. .]
Spohafter^' h n ’&fetMi&ed ifer tb k fhed, and* we remained
with her till it was' time to go on board to dinner. I invited
her to be of the party, hut fhe excufed herfelf on ad-
ehhiii?ofigfe add mfirnfiiy.' Tinah gave dirmiohs for her
.and h e r attendants to be fupplied with whatever they had1
occafion for, and we went’on to tfhfe fhip.
Friday the 13th;' This foreiiooh, Tin’ahfent to inform me, Friday 13.
1 that