Sunday z j
to weft, and about half a league from north to fopth:
•their number, including .the fmaller ones, was thirteen . 1
^could not obferverany -verdure on any-of them ^ thgre were
-white fpots like patches fiiopr:* imt,"a& Captain Cook,
an defcribing the land, o f New Zealand,- near p'ape ’South,
feys,.in many places J^^e^are patches 5i]^e white.rnarble, it
is" probable." that what we few might be of the feme kind
^as what he nad dhferved. TheWefternmpftof thefe iflands
is the largeft; they ^re of Sufficient height to be feen at'the
-diftance of feven leagues-froth a fhip’s deck. When-.the
eafternmoftbore north, 1 tried for -foundings, being then
io miles*' diftdnt f fcom the, -neared! o f ' them, -and |found
bottom aft" 75’fathoms, a: fine white ?®nd r and: again7
-nOon, havih^run -fix Jeagues,mnore to the ^S-f^-we had
foundings at 104 fatbamsrfS-finehrithftoh'e-coloured fand.
The latitude ‘ of thfefe iflands 47® 44/t)S^.^their4lbngituae
1iyj^ 7'.E,'which Isy-about i45*leargdfes to.theje'afe of the
Traps, near; the fduth end of' New.-Zealand. ¥ariation*df
-the eompafs here 17° E. While in fights o f.the iflands>;we
few- lb me, ’ penguins, -abd* a white kind --of gpH .with a
forked tail:* ' Captain Cobk’s tradk,-'in 1773}1-was hear-this
fpot, but he did not-feethe ifiands : htffaw-feals and penguins
T hurflay a.
hereabouts, but confideredrN;dw Zealand t@. -be the
nearefiiahd: I have named them after thefhip, thsjBonnty
- lfies> -
, . This day We faw a feal, feme'-rock-weed., ’ and a-great
many alfeatroffes.’ ■ I- tridd-for foundings, but found «0 bottom
at fethbms depth. Our latitude 4#0 33^8, longitude
182° 36* E,
Were in 4^37* S^iatitude, an d 'ai^ ^ iE -longitude.- it
being calm, and a number b f fmall blubbers about tbe'fhip,
I took up feme in 'a bucket, but I faw no difference her
tween them and the; common blubbers in the' Weft Indies. 0jjj& £
.We frequently? in' the [night-time, obfer^ed the fea to be .
Covered With flmhitieus fpots,' caufed' .by prodigious Quantities
o f fmalLbluhifers, that, from the firings'1 which extend
;|com • them;, »emit arlight dike thefifeze of- amandle,'- while •
the- bpdSyi ^cohtinUes'Qserf^ily’dafk.
The 3d iii the. mobnirrgf-we faw a‘foal-.* ’'Captain Cbbk Friday j;
has remarked' feeing;<rtfea ■ Weed, when nearly in the* fame
place. Opr/latitude 4©p'2i/; S, longitude 31:5°-E^~Variation'of
the com*pafs.»7°l4^'E. t: Being how well to'the eaftwafd of
the.Soeibty Iflands, I.fteeredimoreto the northward;;
We continued to have thenfoutherfi. oceanic: birds ac-
ebmpanyus, and' a few' ^jhalesd. T h e ' people caught alb’a-
trofles; and fattened them hi the; fame> manherlwhich they
had done when off Cape Horn. Borne of thefeimeafured
sftearjf eight feet r bet ween thei;fipsr,of -the wings, when
., On iff hurfday'fthp'j'gtlfe we had die misfortune to lofe Thurfday*,-
One- tof olirj fejineia,/>James .yalen&nepowho-'died' in the-
night,/. o f an iafthmatie complaint.1' This: poor man" had
beejvjpnetQf .the iimw™ « .people on' boards -until trur>
arrival, at -: Adve'npa'r e’ Bay, .-where 'he 'firft' cohiplaiped - of
feme :flight inclifpofltioh, >for which'phe oWas-bled,s and
got; fbetter.i Borne.time;’nftCTwaEdsj 'the «arm. iaiwhich'he
had been -bled, betame-painful 'a id in flam ed th e inflam-
majipn incr-eafedy with.a_hollow cough, and extreme difficulty
mf: breathing;--to his? -dfenth.
' .The 13th, in the,afternoon,.We;faw tWo land-birds,' like- Monday ip
what- arecalledfanc^ferks/'t 'Ourfatitiide' at this': time'. was
and l.ongitude/233126' 0 S'^he-Inekrmorningwe Tuefday 14*
few a tropic bird, and feme filhi \The winder were light
and variable, witfaTcalms, from this time to the 19th, wheh a
I - * \ jbrefeze