1788. the preceding evening ;: in the morning, no land being
. *Y‘ . in fight, we continued tó fteer to the eaftward.
Saturday 10, We ran on Ml day, having clear weather, but without
feeing any thifig to indîcatfe ódr being near land.
At noon our latitude obferved was 37° 27' S, which being
more to the ’fouth'wâtd thaii Wè had ireafdh. tó èikpteét,
I aïfëréd the 'dôurfè ¥0 fete hoffewïfd, ahci neëiteà H É
afl fe e àfiefeôüh. At fi'x o^fôSfc in thé teVénlhgy Ve
were in latitude 37° o' S,' and lohgîfedè i £6 42' W, having
a . clear horizon, but not the leaft fign of being jj
in the hëSghbofifhtfed b f land1. WltS>lh%; b ig h t - câlaè
thick faihy wëâfeète, and "Wè Wère no'W té the éàïtw-érd
of thé •fituatioh âfcribed ¥0 Trrfïah dà'GunKa$ 4 tffitórefoi*ê
oeteWihined ¥0 ‘givè 'è'vëS- fee^fearteh,: and t-ô tféf&fee dur
cb’uÿfe towàfds fete Gape ^ --Goéd "Hèpë.
The netland $ f Trifiaè :da "Chfhha?, bÿ R^ëfffen’s^E5ëE&^titSy
js/fâS ddwfeïè’; latfiüâéj and f 3?^$' W RfhgMldé*.
ïnGapfeïn ^ f& ’s màp, p¥ëfîkëS;ftà 40$
it rs -pïkçéd in thé famé latitude, but M 15 'dégréös W
Mrfgâtefe. •i‘Fróm'öhr-tKtdc, '-àftSlÉbfe ëlearriëfs ' of fee weather,
I am convinced, if the latitude afcribëd'^ôïibMSïâbôvfe
is Porfedt, th a t it is hot to be tfbuhd bètVëën th e Meridians
b f h 6o;^ / W, and ï&'ÿb1 fyf. r0n :fhe # fth 1 -hhd’h Wuhn-
h ë r of iu n ir ohfëfVatftöfs1 for thé fon|^tui&* f e e b ïe te
t>f which-agrdéd ëkadtly with'feè tirhe-kééffer ^.
ïn ’this pafiage 'thé wéatnër Wks -'gëfléràlîy 'fo 'ötöüdy,
that I had few opportunities to 'make'obfefvations-of tüny
_kiii&, ‘ebrdèpt for th e hoon latitudes- 'I ööUldhöt detér*-
mine when we crofiëd fee lirfe e f‘ito Variation. The tw-ö
* lik Mr. iDa^ryiapIe’s OofieéÜon of. Fj£ns, which/I had ifot. with nfç, the northeffftrtOft
of the ÎJlands of Trijian d* Ac unha is* placed*in latitude370 22' S,, and longitude 13* iyf'W,
I thiak it c|»robafc>k we ‘gained them * b ywhig too ttchTO tÜe'li'Ôfthwîd'd. J
aaareft fefefvatioss to it,- Were, the fif-ft Iti '39s 5^ * Ï*-
titüdë> and I fe 9 ’W fongiiudey Where | thé variation o f <.—
thé tofepallrWaS’feund td E; and the tether in
Httifedfe JsAgöVSl V riC ^ ig ifed é '£■ '«1" W, where I ob-
lërvédfhe Wariatfon I'll »3^ W ; between thefe we had no
ifité^Miaténbftr^tiöïi for the variation.; -
Thtïffday/aa, at two in the-afternoon, we few the Table Thurfdayza.
Jdóiihtaifa Of th e Gape tefGodd Hope. ' Afe it is1 reckoned
tóWfefc riding in Table- Bay-W É\ï$ tlmëh f thé year, I »Peered
fo r Falfe Bay." The next ^evening-. we anchored in the
enter part, and on the forenoon ;e f Ihip Saturday
fectured in Siihbxi’s Bay, Whidh fe in ^ ie inner part ©f-Fahe
Bay. When tneored, hfoab’e srfc bore S 55° E three quartets
ofa^tnile^and ?;the 7^ W.'"'We found lytÉg
heféV! ë n ë ? ohieWard boundj T)ütch > Indiaman, five e th er
After ^ n Q h ^ thé S«¥,: eqtfe$
M th b ^ r^ f gdiïs, I went oh ïHorfe, and difpatèhfes were font
away to Gape ToWn, to !accjuarrrt the ••governor >of niftr ar-
viVal. :iA ®uféh fhip M: this tm e lying m Table hay,
bbund for Ehfope, I fe it letted by h é r fo fe e A#nirMtyl
Itiis Vety tintifukl for fhips fe h é f n ’Tdblè 'Bayfólaté >ki th e
year, on account of the ftróng N W winds April is the
fÉhe htófed.
• I gaVe fhe hecefiafy direfeons for getting 'onr wants
fhpplied. -The fhip*fetjuired to be caulked in every-part,
for fhe wa-s hecdme fo dë^ty, that we had. 'been obttged
to ‘pxRnp-bvery h e u r ’iri.Qth pSfiage from fd%pe HorH. This
we immediately a b o u t ,^WëÈf as >repahihg4 u r fails and
rigging. 'The fevere weather we had m é t with, and^the-
le^ctnëfèW-fee fibrip, made it heeefiaty to ^'ahaihfe intoRie
ïtate c f .an fee^otes ;anH provifions. 'Qf fe e latter, -a-good
deal 'was found damaged, paömflarly -fhé h ie a d ^T h&
>g * time-keeper