8d A V Ö Y Ä Ö Ë T O
©rdèrs M celibacy, Whifehi h»Vé--f>i|3VèÖ;- fo prejudicial ito
other countries, might perhaps ito this have been beneHciäl;
fo far at leaft as to have anfwered their putpofe by-'éieBhas
not -crimitoal. Thé touttobet tof inhabitants at Otähfertfe Hive
hëén ëftiltoaitod ait abbvé totoè hundred thötoftnd. 'fbe Ifläiid,
hbwevèr', %s ftdê ctoltiWféd tö the gfeatift ad^aftta^ i 'yët,
wërè tKëy ecMtitotoaliy te iifffpfövë in htoïbandrJf, thêif iiïi?-
pro^rötertt ëètfld toèf, Tbr a Mfethtof tirïJè, ktotop paeè t^ith
an unliréfted population.
Ah idea here 'pfrefèfits Itfelf, Which, ’höwevtor feïöifül ft
rtiay appear at firft fight, •feëtïi’s to ïtoerit föfnfe- attention s«w
Whilë Wë fëé 'ämeSig thefè Jfiäfids^fö-gftoät ä Wälte tof’.thè
human ipeeiës, that nunabëfs Ä e hörn h a lf të :dito^ and, dt
thé fehle fime^ a la f^ - ëóntftoent ^fö toëar
HoHahd,in WHieh flifere ‘Is fó grè9t a'Wafte tof 'länd unoai-
fivätefl, andÄtooft detetith ÖpirfhatHtfets^dt tiatét&Sy'öë-
éiifs, how'^eätiy te eW ö coutotrlösteight hehnatte iö benefit
öäch ötHef; ähd -'gWes öccäfiön të reg#§t that >thto
ïflahdëréafè' M(kJmfttü®;ëfl ,€n <thè Sïëafife<t>f ejtolgf atitog toö
New‘Holland, 'Which ffeéiiis äS; ï f fföfigHéd -%■ ; iSSttffe: to
äfyiÖm fiir thfe ïhpêrflifk cif Äh^iltotsitli "thto
Mhriäs. ‘Sihh'a pfeh ^toHii^fatiÖh,^ff ^etetferöd tpteïMcfi^
hle tb thëfn, 'migHt hbt btilytob the ’mÖätolsSöf ‘abëïi-ilürig
thé- -hbhrid ’cufttoith öf dëfiteyiiig children, as it would remove
the pfea bftfëëéÖïty, htihtoai^ht *lêad;-to totbër important
purpbles. A-greät eóntiiièht WOufd'hé-Öbiiyöftbd
from a defert to a populous country; a niiniber of our fellow
- icréattifes woiild be -faVed-; the itiMbitatotS^öf-ihé
illahds would bécome rtoóré civilizë'd; and it is nét itripro-
btHefbut'teafburcbliótoiës- in NOW^HOllindwouM' derive
.finnuch'hènéïit te te mófe thaü r^ a y 'in y frohble-öjpiéX^
T H f ' - S O U T H SE A Ac. Si
pence, that might be incurred in endeavouring to promote 178*.
'fö'hurhané’i plan. ’ • Notembe».
~ The latter,’ hdwhVef, is % rethom confiderafion, for the
-- intertropical palts ‘o f New Holland, are thofe moil fuited to
- ■ the hab'itlr and mahnlwif living o f theMinders j and like-
wife tbe 'ibil and climate arethe beft iq^pted to their modes
o f a^ricültdfèi’ Man placed; by his 'Creator in-the warm
climateSy perhaps) would'nèvér-emigrate' into, the* colder,
xinlefs under the tyrannous influence; of toecefhty ;,and ages
mi^nèla^Fe'before the new inhabitants' would fjpread to
ouf fettlers,' tliongh th^^are,hut barely within, the limits
o f fijb^.jth^t great rcanfenf pinci £enths:crf khe.Weceffities
p f Ei^peans^ -j]^yerthelefe)^hehdes;f©rwardteg the pur-
, ( HYfes '^Mhiixnanity; ,apd. general-cgnyepi&ncei in bringing a.
pjeoplq (withopt, fend, to^a la?d without ^people, the benefit^
\ o f a mutual intercourije with a n©ighb,o«a'ipg and friendly
col0ny, Would in itfelr be no ïnGonl^^abl^^advantage.
, ^Among peoplexifo^free. (from gdentation -SS .the Ota-
heiteans,.^andu-whofe>(pianperst arüï;fo fimBl,ei and natural,;
- the ftridtnefs -yrith which the punctilios of rank', are ob-
vV furprifing. ,jl kfeqw not j f any action, howeytor.
0 meritqripps^ cap elevate a man above the clafs. in which he
iy|s bprn,4iU5def% he, were to afquire .tefheient- power to
copfyr dignity^on himfelf. If any,woman o f the finferior
clafles has a child hy an, Earee, it i§f*not fuffered^to bye.;
Perhaps thé pffspring of Teppahoo.nand> Tetteehowdeeahi
were.deftined fo fatisfy fome, crpel adjuliment o f rank and
. precedency.