A T the time I publftpd the Narrative of the Mutiny
on BokrdtheÉounty, it was ifty intention
that'.the preceding part of the Voyage fhould be contained
in a fe^arâte^'account'. This method* I have
fihce been induced' to- alter. The* reafon of the Narrative
appearing-firft, was for the purpofe of communicating
early information concerning an event which
had attracted the public notice : and being drawn up
in a hafty manner*. it required many corrections. Some
circumftanc’és likewifé were omitted .; and the notation
of time ufëd in the Narratif,' beïnÇ* Recording to fea.
reckoning, in which,the days begin and.end at noon,
mu ft have produced a degree of obfcurity and confu-
fion to readers- accuftomed only to ■ the civil mode.
And this would have increafed, as ■ Jîjie remainder of the
voyage, on account of the numerous fhore occurrences
at Otaheite and elfewhere, could not, with cleamefs
and propriety, have been related in any other than the
ufual manner of reckoning.
a Befides