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aft hopes precluded o f ever beiqg able to return to our na-*
tive" country. ‘ . *
We' fet our fails, and fleered along fhore by The weft
fide of the ifland Tofoa ; the wind blowing frefh from
the eaftward. My mind was employed in confidering what
■ Was beft to 'be done, when I was foîïéfted hy allhands to take
them towards home : and, when I told’ them that no hopes
of relief foFus remained (except what might he found at
New Holland) till I came to Timor, a diftance of full 1200
leagues, where there was- a Dutch fgttldment, ■ but ih'.what
part of the ifland I knew not ; they all agreed to live on
one ounce of bread, and a quarter of a pint of water, per
day. Therefore, after examining our-flock of provifions,
and recommending to them, in Che moft lolensnimanner,
not to'depart from their promifêÿ we bore awray acrofera
fea, where the navigation is but little known,, in-a fmafl
boat, twenty-three feet fôlîg from- ftem to fterri, defépiaden
with eighteen’men. Twas' happy^Juaiw-vérrrtoJbe^at^^
every one feemed bett/er fatisfied with/ our fituation than
myfelf. - ’ h , ; ; f : :
Our flock ofprovifions éonfîfted- of aboutone hundred and
fifty pounds of bread, twenty-éightagallons o f water, twenty
pounds o f pork, three bottles of wine, andfivequartsof rum.
The difference between 'this and the' quantity we had pn
leaving the fhip, was-principally owing *to ouf flqfs‘ in , the
buffle and confufion of the attack. A few cocoa-nuts were
in the boat, and fome bread-fruit, but the latter was
trampled to pieces.