17Æ9.. The latitude o f Samarang is s6° 5 / S."; Longitude,-hy my!
' redkotiihg, from Cape Sandana, 4I ^
On the 26th, we failed from Samarang ; and with us] a
. . galley- mounting fix fwivels, which the governor had directed
toi accompany us to Batavia.
ÖCT03ÜR. On the ift of October we anchored in Bataviarroad, where
Tkarfday 1. wej-ourici ry i ng, a Dutch ’ffiip of war, and 20 fail of Dutch
Eaft lijdia ftiipsÿ-befides many fmaller veffels.
T H I S O U T H ‘S E A S , . See.
C H A P . XX,
Occurrencesat Batavia, andPaJJtige thence to'pngland.
jh e afternoon, at^four p’cIoGhj;,,^w#ht. on .flhpre, , and
landed at a houfe by the rive/,, w-here ftrangers firft ftop
and,giye^an-accqunt who .they ,are, whence,they, came,
&e.. From this place, a Malay gentleman tools, me in . a
carriage to the Sabandar,. Mr. Englehard,;w,hofe houfe was.
in the environs, of the eity^.pn tjde.fide neareft the Hupping.
The Sabandar is"the officer, with whom all ftrangers
are^obliged to tranfaÇt, their, bufmefs r at leafty the
whole muftgp through hi^hands., ..With him, I ( went to;
pay xiiy' rqfpe<fts;to the governor-general, who received me
with great civility, y I acquainted his excellency with my
fituation, and requefted my people might be taken care of,,
and that we ffiould be allowed to take a paflage to Europe
in the firft ihip that failed. I hkewife defired permiffion-
to fell the fchqoner and. launch. All this his excellency
told me ftiould be granted. I- then- took leave, and returned
with the Sabandar, who wrote down the .particulars of my
wants, in order to form from them a regular pétition,-, to be-
prefented to the council the.next day., I- fod brought fibny,
the governor of Coupang, directed for the governor-general
at Batavia, the account of my/pyage and misfortune*
tranftated into Dutch, from an account that I had give»
' to
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