jjm i canoes arrived, with hogs, yams, and other >provifions,
— _ * i which we purchafed. My acquaintance told me that he had
lived with our friend Omai. He confirmed the acéofift't
that has already been given, andlhforjned me, that, o f allthe
animals which had- been left with ©mai,. the mare only remained
alive. He faid that h^rbai and hfinfelf had often
rode together ; and I ohferved^that many o f the' ill anders,
who came on-board, had thel reprefentation of a map^on
horfebacktattowed bn their leg§^n After thé death of Omai,
his jhhiife was broken to pieces* and th e ! material Hólen.
The fire-arms were afe'Ulietea, hut ufelefs. I enquired after
‘the „‘feeds and ’ plants, and was informed that ’ they^were '‘all
deftroyed, except one tree ; but of what kind that was,“ I
could not make out from their defcription. I/was much
preffed tofafee the fhip Into the harbour, and Omaüsfc^ttï*
. panion reqüefted me to let him go to England*. WhenVh'èy
found thati would riot flop among them, they ifeemed Jealous
ó f ourgoingto Ülieteay and-it: appeared to giynjthem jfeikg
fetisfaótion, when I told.them that.J .fhorild -nri|-..g@>hó'ar
that iflancL
I ‘.The canoes had left us, and we. were making fail,; when
we difeovbred -an -Indian in the water* fwimmjngotQwayds
the -fhore,'which -in all.probahilify he would-not hay^jheen
able to reach. We.took him up, and, luckily,'another capo®
coming albHgfide, we put him in. her.- Thpjpeople-nfii-bf
canoe faid that the -man was infane; but how he came tp be
fwimming fo ,far from the land, we could: notxqnje&ure,.
At fix o’clock we made fail, and ran all night to the S W,
and SW by S, between the illanjds. Huaheine and JJJietea.
The next morning,. I altered the yroiirfe, fteeyipg more to
the weftward, for the Friendly Inlands.
'5’imrfday 9. On the 9th, at nine o’clock in the morning, -the weather
T H E SO U T H S E A S, .See. , § '
became fqually, and a body of thick-bla’ck * clouds- colledfed 1789.
in thbeaft.;. Spomafter, a water-fpout was feen at jjpft great* ,
difeahce„ from us, >wMch^appeir^difo^gfeeat .advantage „from,
the darkndfserif thetfflriu(fs. .AS nearly/as * could
judge#i§ was aboiitMwO jffeetj diameter a,t the upper part, and
ahbwt e^lght irifehes||at thell^efei'-bhad- feared madethefh \t
remarks, whenfobferved that - it; w a&kciy ancim g,;fapidly to-
wardshhe fhip. rWe immediately-ridt-efedi ,0 or, courfe,^vand.
tookiin all the * failsyu?&<l,e‘]3ti the^ foaefail; Hiomafter which, it>
pa-ffed within ten; .yards1-;pf>’.ou-r; -ii'erny., thakipg a „ ruftlipgi
noifeyhnt withoubpunfeelang thblteaftmffedt #,©tp itsfbeing,.
hi neaf u^-vTh^ra^-Mt whieh;iftt»yeClgd^fefi4^^^tf>‘be- -
aborit tep miles per- hour,, agoing tOward^thefweft in theid^l*
re^io-Jt of t>he Wind.- fin-a quarter .ofanho/ur after palling us,
itidhperfed. I never
corifi^lpoh ,b et ween the cohhriri,which was. highest h an our,
maff-headshandsthesiwaterhelctw, was no otherwifetvifiMe,
tfeanibyfh.e feaheingdiftrirbeddriachguhrfpgce of about, fix
yards .ipdiambtefy the, ceiit-re o f Wthiehj; from, the whirling, o f g
the5 wa-teri rounditj-formed ahollo w;! andfrb m parts*
-df theeirple* the water was thro(wn np with much force*,rip a
fpirai.direction, and„conld- be traced to thpiheighf'bf fifteen
orjfcsvenfyifeetiE,» At this; elevation wedpHifight of it, „and;
could fee nothing of its jun<ftion-wAth thn^ephimn, .^bnyejt
If;is:impollible to fay - what ^injhjy we fhbuldthaveifuffered,:.,
if it had pafled,dire'£tly oyerug; r,ddaHs,d. d-m-AgipCi mights
h^ye(heen carried’away,7 bujobdo'not apprehend* it would
h-ayet endaogere'd'thn. lofs o f a fiifp. . j
As-we failed yeryj near, the track made in -
I had little<iteafon fo,expe£t that we fhosuld' at tfhSs time make >
gny-ri-ew?„difpqvie?y !i„rieverthelefs,. on „'the -lath, at.day^lghiw Saturday n.
land was feeh to the S S W,; at1 a^out five leagues diftance,
U iSSI N which