tliat-many ftrangers weyq arrivedfrom all parts, to be prefent
at a grand heiva, which he had'prepared in compliment to
me. I ^accordingly went on Ihore, and found a great crowd
o f people, collected together. A ring was, made, at a little
diftance from our poft, and Tinah and federal other chiefs
came to, meet«me. When we were all feated, the heiva
began by women, dancing,; after-which a prefent of cloth,
and a tawme-or breaft-plate, was laid before me. -This
ceremony, being over* the men began to wreftle, and'regularity
was no longer preferved.- Old Otow came to me,.and
delired I would help to put a flop to the wreftling, as the
people came from different diftriCts, fome-of which were ill
difpofed towards others.' What Otow had apprehended
was„.not. without reafon,- for- in an inftant the whole was
tumult: every man took, to .his arms, and, as I found my
lingle interference could be of no fervice, I retired to our
poft, and,ordered all my people there under arms. . At the.
time the difturbance began, Tinah and Iddeah were, ab-
fen t th e ir firft care was for me, and Iddeah came to fee i f
I was fafe at the poft. She had a double .coyering of cloth
round her, and .her waift was girded with a large rope. ,1»
delired her to ftay under my protection: this fhe would not
confent to, but faid fhe would return as foon as,all was over;
and away fhe went.
I immediately gave orders for two guns to he fired from
the fhip without fhot, which had a good effeCt.: and, .as no.
chief-was concerned in the tumult, button the contrary, all
o f them-exerted their influence, to prevent mifchief, every
thing was foon quiet, and Tinah and Iddeah returned to let
me kno.w that all was fettled. They went on board, with ’
fbme Other chiefs, and dined with me.
After dinner, I went on ihore with JTinah and'his
friend’s ;
fricSkls; Indl-foutfdfthree large hogs dreffed, and a quan- ,789.
tity 0-f1 bread-fruit-, which he had. ordered to be prepared .Fe,,iioarV
before he went on-board, and now delired I would prefent
them to the differenbparties that had o®me to fee-the entertainment
-one to the-chief people of Attahooroo,; one to
the-Arreoys, and a third tofthe performers of the heiva. I
prefonted them according to his directions, and they were
received with thapkfulnefs. and p le a fu re .T h is L looked
upon- ‘asWery handfomely done on the part of Tinah, and I
was gladtOifee that it was? regarded in the fame light by his
guefts. • Thefe inftances.«of .liberality make.full amends for
thedittieflipswhich I have,formerly noticed in Tinah. At this
tithei'a' day: feldom palled, that he .did-not give proofs,of his
hofpitality,cbyl entertaining the.principal people that came
from 'different'parts*of the ifland to vifit himy or/toffee the
fliip. - Some-"of the, chiefs he .commonly invited J to dine on
board, and made prdvilionfor others pn Ihore. Scarce any
perfon of-confequencewent away,'without receiving fome
prefent from him. This j encoiiraged, and was was in
fny;power to aflift him. .-But, -befides-sthe political motives
-that I have-‘alluded tos, junj-uff to Tinah not to ac-
knowledgerthat -his.difpofttion,feemed improved: he was
more 1 japen jamd- mprefeiiycd in his manners, than formerly,
and his hpfpitaUty was natural and without oftentation. \
Manday the -. 16th. I was, prefent this,, afternopn, at a Monday i&
wfeiiliug match ,by women, I'lThe.-manner ^of challenge
ing, .and method .of attack^uw^s.-e^aCtly; the-f^pae as among
the men. The only difference that I fcpul^sobferye:, was
not in favour -of. thel.fofter f e x ; f©£ . in* /fbfife contents
they fhewed lefs temper and more ,animofi£$than I could
jhav^imagined them capable, of. The women, I wa^told,
not only wreftle with each other,, but fometimes with
j L 1 d, | | ’ the