1789. defeated, that I gave this' offender * a good beating. I now
went in feardi o f ‘the mrtlingip'atty/ who* had taken, great
pain’s, -but withónt futSsïsj' Thisrdidfnot. furprife me,
as it was not to * be éxpedted that turtle would coins'
near ns., after -the noife Whiöïii'had been-, madej a t. tfie sbpr
ginning of the evening in'exhnguiflxirlg the fife. I therefore
defired them tö'eoïhe'back,'"but they requefted* to flay
a dittle longer/as they ftill hoped tó finfd fome before*daylight
: however, they returned by thre'è'd’clöckji without
any. reward for'their labour. [
* The birds we half ?drefled, that* they- might keep the
better: and thefe, with a'few clams, ihade' the whole o f the
ftipply procured here. I tied'a few-gilt? bhttons and fome
pieces of iron to a tréé| for any o f the-Txatives that* might
come after u s ; and, finding my invalid s ’rnxïch. batter, for
their night’s "réft, fwe' embarked, and departed, by t}awhrof
Tuefday 2. day. Winda tSE; courfeftd the $o>y\$V
When we bad fan two leagues” to the northward*, thdtffea
fuddenly became-rough, which not having “before;; experienced
dinde^we were within the reefs, I concluded tot'befoc-'
cafioned by an-opën channeled the oceani ‘Soon afteiwfrds,
we met withtb large fhoal, on which- were two faMdy keys ;
between thefe; and two others, .'fodr niiles-ito. the weft/ I
pafledfson to the northward, the iifea'ftil! cebtinhmg to (hè
Towards j noon, I fell- in with fix other keys/ rmoft of
which produced fome fmall trees and hruih-wood. vfThefe
formed a pleafing Coiitraft with the maihïandLwy had
* Robert Lamb.— Thistnan, when heyame to Java, acknowledged , he ’ had featen
nine birds taw, after he feparated from his two companions.
pafig’d, whihtewasffull o f fand-hills. The'country continued »789-
hilly/ and the ndrthernmoft lands, the fame ' we had feen t _u_
from lagoon;ifland, appeared like downs, Hoping to-
warjds-.tho'^a-. Nearly abreaftfof us, was a flat-topped
hill, Wikich on account of itsihape, I called Ptxdding-pan
hjJl^and a-little to .the» nor^bw'&rd.yfere «two other hills,
which we called, the. Paps p.and here w;atf a fmall tradt of
country withoutrifand, the eastern part of yvhich,forms; a
cape, whence the coaftinelings to-fhe ,N W by N; ,
At npofiyl pbferved in the latitude; p£ 11° i8f.S, the cape
bearing W, -diftant ten miles. Five fmall key# bore from
JV,E toi/;S,;E,.'fhe neareft'of them aboxxt-two miles diftant,
and'alow fandy key-between us and the cape, bore W,. dif-
t-ant;four miles, My-courfe from the lagpon ifland had
beep?N^ 1 W* diftant 30 whiles*...
«yl, am -ferry it was not. in my power to obtain a fuffident
knowledge .of the depth of water; but in our fituation
nothing could be undertaken that might ha.ve occafioned
delay. It may however be underftood, that, tq the beft of
my judgment, from appearances*, a fhip ,may pafs where-!'
ever I have] omitted to reprefent danger.
I. divided fix bird#/, »and iflued one 25th of a pound of
bread, with half a pint of water, to each perfon for dinner,
and 1 -gaye half tl glafe- o f wine i £0- Nelfon,, who was now
fo’far recovered as to- require no other indulgence.
■ The'gunner, when'he left the fhip, ^brought; his watch*
with him; by which we had regulated pur time till toAIay,
when unfortunately ftftppged; iqJthatfJopn, fun-rife,,and
fun-fet, are ,the only parts o f the 44 hours o f which from
henceforward I can fpeak with certainty^asto time,
The/wind blew frelh from; the.SjSE*andS Eall the afternoon,
with; fais= weather.« As we flood, to tfie N.-dby W,
F f we