^789- As oifr ÏÖd^in^fe %ére Yëry mifërable, ’•and bbn'firïèd 'for
w»y— J Vknt -é'f;rêdm> 1 ëö'dé^^toëd:¥óir0É^eliy'€heilfe,fferdéïeiAybïy
-putting Wurfefvës ;at w’atch 'arid Wat-dh; Yb th&t biate half al-
Hv^sftthp ^vffiile^the other dd^nJdli;Sie%OTt?s bbtfbbj,
?ër upón a eheïfc, %ïth nomfhg’to Êbver,^ ’hBt:tbBffiê^e#ifs.
Our limbsYngfe dreadf^yiÈ7f!ktepëd,Têi^#b%éiSM?iï§t' hfètdh
'them dtrt ; 'and the Mghts wèVê Tó eöld,-and w€Tó'btólföaSitly
, iw€t,'tfaa$1flR&'-:a few hours fleep, we could fcarce move. i1’
Thurfday 7. A t ’3a?wh Of day, we hg^,!b/difcÖ^;è¥ëd farid' fröm W S W
«?o W NW , ahdJahótbër ‘iiïSiïd !^T -!N W,
round -lump-öf but little ;é§Sërit: the -fduthërn land that We
-had piflèd feFpSÉ^S6®BP9 s ffffi'ih^ght; ffSëÈSg^^ëry'Wit
ahd'eèftJ, T-fervbd a a^oörifïïl Wf rum andh' ÉÈfflïifelW 'b#ëkd
'for hfe£kf5B:.
trttó labd in tlfe %is[ffiffiri|ftóflied by föfSe igftïiil?-
dinary high rocks, which, as we approached them, affiiffièfcl
»a T h ^M h t r y ‘dppearedYë^é^||rè0^bly
ddté?^é^éS;withhi^i‘aha'loV land, a^ ih^ è iF p la ë ë s 1^ -
^ëérëd ^fth%&3Ü. J0 ff!ÖieJN E'patt;^'®dlfe^fthall f g ^ y
^ahdsj-bëtiyëënyrhitjyaiiS^ri ifëS É ^«éig^e^tó^he OTb P®
dheSledthy cobrïe; blit a lee current vëiyHinéxpeétedïy fèt
^us'^jfy^ëar ffb Öfë *rÖt^y>fi5es,'1atnd %é* tOtf ld ’ dnïy %ëf' {Jéir
d f it' by ‘
-them. A t this* t?me-weió b r e r v e d failing'eSriöes
ah-xié’ty, fuUpfëhffiblé'of
btir wbak and^Sëlencèlé'fs^èite. At,höón:it was' talm.
and the weather cloudy; my latitude is thereïbfhdo’ubtfül tó
BÖrqmilës.’Öur cour ieïincby'èlLerday hbbh'N;W b y :W, dif-
tancë ^jinilês-;"ïkituderbyaccodht,fb0'2'9;iS,-dndlongitüde
by account, from Tofoa, 6° qÓ -W. Being cohïlantly' wet, it
«Kas with the utnaoft difficulty I could open a book to write,
and: I arq fenfible that, what 3 haye done. can. only fqrve to
point out where thefa lundsare. to-he founcl again:, and give
an idea, of their extent;
■ All the afternoon^we had light wihdOatM M E r fh e weather
.was.very rainy* attended with-thunder and lightning;
Only on© of. the canoes, gained.upon us, which hy three
o’clock m
when fhbg&ve; over chain.
I f I may judge f rom the. fail of thefC vefiels, .they arc of a fi-
milarSconitrubtionyvith thofe at the Friendly 1 il-ands, which,
with the aeamefs o f their, iituitfion,.gives reafon to belfcVej
that. ti)eiy .are^ thfi famoyk%di off petite, Whether thefe1
canoes had any hohile intention■ againft: us muft! remain
a doubt % perhaps wenaight have benefited by an. kiter-
m>irfe.with .them: but in nor defenedtefe iituatipn, to have
made the experiment would have been riffhing too much.
. . T imagine thefe to.he the iflands called Kee^jiaS.theire3&--
tent,-direction, ahd diflaace from, the Friendly Iflands,- an-
ffeers to- the defcription given ofthem by 'thofe Iflanders*
Heavy rain came ofinat four (felosk,,when every pepfon did
their utmolt to.catch fome water, and: we increafed our
flock to 34 gallons,.befides quenching our, thirft for the firft
time fince we had been at fea-; but an attendant conie-
quence- made us pafs the night very miferably, for. being
extremely wetj and having no dry things to fhift or cover
. -as, we experienced cold and' fhiverings- fcarce to be con-
ceived Moft fortunately for ns, the forenoon turned out
fair, and we ftripped and dried our clothes. The allowance
I iffued to-day, was an ounce and a half o f pork, a tea-
fpoonful: of rum, half a pintr of cocoa-nut milk, and an
ounce: of bread. The rum, though fo finall in quantity,
was of the greateft- fer vice, A fiffiing-line was generally
X ' towing