towards the outer land, and found k 'to be ithe ifiand
ROtii •
I returned to the fhore we had left,,and brought to a grapnel
in a fandy bay, that I (night ïöéffe öóhVêMèötiy datettfefo
my fit-uafión. '4 In this placé, We faw fëvèral fmokesj'whefê
thé datives were clearing their grounds. tfeelftJ
tie time we remained here, the matter and carpeóter Vëry
imich importuned me tnlet the®Jgb-ih feateh of fupplies;
to which, - at fength , I afforded ;• bifo -not finding atiy-othet
perfon willing* th be b f thfehr- patty, they did hdt- cfehbfe tö
qn ltth e boatv I ftopped- hère n u fongêrthahTorthe ptifo
|K)fe jufi: mentioned,'and we continuedfleering alOng lhore*.
We had a view of abeautifuldookingkoun-try, akif formed
by ait into lawns and parks^ The^cda® is 1ÖW-, and covered
with woods, ih which are innumerable'^(ïpidnirtfeéS/^hat
look like cocoa-nut walk s. The ihteriorpart is high land,
but Téry different from th e mórë eaftéïff 4héfiitehd»j
where it is éktfeédirtgfy mountalnè^4JandrtO !^peWiïiöèj
the foil better.
-At: n0on> th e 4 f to d Rotihore SW;bfoW feyen’leagues i
I had no' obfervatioh for the latitude, but by aeecftSit, >We
were in 10° 1 2 ' <mr coutfe fittoé yefterday hood being S
*77° W, 54 miles. The nfual allowance of bread and water
was- ferved -for hreakfaft and dinner, and tOthh (End
JLebogue, -1 -eontinuedto give wine.;
We had afhrong breeze atESE, withhstóy weafoefy aftthe
afternoon. At two O’clock, having run through :a véry dangerous
breaking fea, the caufe:of which I attributed' tff be a
ftrong tide fctting to windward, and fhoal water, We dilco-
vèred a Rations bay o r found, wkh a fair entrance- about
two or three miles wide. I now concélyed hopes that Our
a- - voyage
voyage was nearly at an end, asnppjacecpqld appear n>oiy 1785.
eligible for (hipping, or more likely tp frpehofen for an Eu-
ropean fettleroent :;Ivtherefofocafne to a grapnel near the.
eaft fide .of; the entrance, in a fmall fandy. bay, where we j
faw a hut, aidpg, and feme cattle,;,and I, immediatelyfont
;^aR<aj|^ to the hut, to difeoyer the
r ; /£u ^ ::>
The &,W point of the entrance bore W f § three miles f
the & E point S by W three garters of a mile jy^ftd -the
iffand Roti from & bVdwV W to S W i W, about five
welay here* I folpfo$3# ebhcameLroin tbe northward,
and, before pur departure the I felling of th f ,
difooyered to us a jreef obrpeks, about two cables length
fepsp the the \yh®le being covered at hjgfowfar
renders it dangerous. Qn the pppofife-fhore alfo
appeared very, h ig h , breakers ; but there is n^v^tfoetefs
plenty,of rqom,. and, ^pfoifoy- a fefe channel for a firfi>
rate man-pf wafe pj
The bay or found wifoin, foeme^ jfo bp, of a ppnfiderajfoe
extent; (he northern part being about fivp^eagups diffept..
Here the dand made ip-jpoderatp filings jofopd hy lower
grounds*.- Rut the, ill and Rota tp the fquthward, is the heft;
mark-by which to knqwtM3 plffiffo
I had juft tirne to make. -thief® rerparks^whep |I faw the
hoatfwain and gqpnpr returning, with fonapi-ofethe natjy^s
J. therefore no longer doubted .pfour-foceefif ,an<d tl^t our
expectations would be fully gratified. Theyffe'<^iglit% e.:Jn-
dians, and informed' me that, they had found two families,,
where the 'jw-pmen treated them with ;Eu^opean pplitebpfs,.
From thefe people I learned, that the governor refi^pd at,a
plat®; :