under the beams» at the main hatchway, ten feet three
inches. ~ In the cockpitwere the cabins of the furgeón/
gunner, botanift, spd clerk, with $ ftewar<i-room and ftore-
rooms. -The between decks was'dividéè ln the following
manner;—the great cabin vtas appropriated, for the pre-
fervation of the plants, and extended as far forward §s
the a,fter hatekwaf * It lafSe
each-fide three fcuttles for air, and was fitted With a falfe
floor cut full of holes to contain the garden-pots, in which
the plants were- to be brought home. The deck was
Covered with lead, and at the foremoft comers of the cabin
were fixed pipes to carry off the water that drained from
the plants, into tubs placeddbelöw to lave it for future ufe.
I had a fmall cabin on one fide .to fleep in, adjoining,to the
great cabin, and a place near the middle of the fhip to. eat
in. The bulk-head o f this apartment was at the after-part
o f the main hatchway, and on each ;fide o f it were the
births of the mates and tnidlhipmen ; hetween'thöfe hxrfcs
the arm-cheft was placed. The cabin o f the; matter, in
which was. always kept the key of .the arms, was Oppofite
to miné. This particular defcription o f thé interior, parts
o f the flfipi is rendered necefiafy by the eyent o f thé
The flflp was mafted according to the propmion o f the
nayyi'hut, on my application »the mails were fhortened,
as I thought them too much for ber^nfidériftg the nature
o f the voyage. ggpfóMl * $
On the 3d of September, the finp came out o f docks but
the carpenters and joiners remained on board much longer,
as they had a great deal of work to fimfli.
The next material alteration made in the fitting; out,
was, leflbnihg the quantity of iron and other ballafty—
3 J J gave
I gave dirs&idns that only nineteen tons of iron fhould be «787.
taken oh, board inftead of the cuftomary proportion, which B E R
was forty-fivO tons* The ftores and provifions 1 judged '---5—
would be fully fuffieient tos'anfVef the. putpofe of the-
remainder ; Vfof I am of opiniotblthat many of the mif-
fortunes which attend feips-in heavy ftorms 'of wind, are
occafioned by too much dead weight in their: bottoms.
> The eftablilhment of m en: and officers for the fliip were
as fortlaws r a
f* aniiaeuttoaaatfh:chmimand 1 i *
1 Matter •
1 Boalfwain
1 Gufmer;
1 Carpenter'. ■
' i ‘ Surgeon
j 2 Matter’s -Mates I
2 Midfhipmen
- 2 Quarter Matters
1 Quarter Mafter’s'Mate
Boatfwalhs Mate • -:
11 Gunner’s Mate i
; 1 Carpenters1: Mate jf $
f Carpertter’s (DreW
’ r Saihnaker ,
i Armourer
1 1 Clerk and StewaM'
• i j Able Seamen
: 44
Two: ffeilftd atid earbfHrmeh wdfe^^p^inled, at Sir
Jofeph Banks’s recommendation, to have, the management
bR W c \ of