T H E S O U T H S.E AS, See.
C H A i v ; XV.
'V ’ ■ / ' V/f 1 'Nëzó'Hómnd.— IJlcmds Sïjcb’bêred in bur
'Milte.’—Our r r e ^ btflQff&s-^See^e Reefï'of New Hot-"
landy ahfiymd a Tamme IJïromh fji/fa'. ['
I T was' about-eigbt' o’clock. dtf night' when we b'ère- away m7*9y.
htnderfa^reeféd iug'Ifoiie-tfdil' |ij and,* having, 'divided the 1-----—>
pepple^fifafo watches, and got thé boat ini a little order, we
fê'ïülnëd God’ thanks. for our 'rniraoulbiis: prefer,vation, and,
fully» ebpfideufr of h-i's gracious fupport, 1 fdiind my mind?
®óéeT,af/ètife’ than it'had'beèhfor fome time paftC
At day-break, thégifeanci^fëd; fhe fun rofe Very» fiery Sunday
and_.red,,.a.,fute,,indication of;a-fexere^gale,.of,wind.. .A t
eight it blew7 a violent fiórmpand thé fea ran very high, fo
that between'tbe féas^ thfe 'fail was becalnjed, and when on
the top of the fea it was too much to have fet: but we
could not venture to také/in .the fail, for we weredn very
imminent danger and diftrefs, the fea curling over the ftera
öfrthe^béatj' which obhgedlus.to bale .‘with'all our, might;-
A 'fituation more diftreffing has,.perhaps, feldombeen-ex- *
pefieïicèdï $g
~ Our bread- was in ba^S'y'! and in: danger of being fpoiled
by the wet: ■ to be ftarved !tch death was inevitable, i f this
could notbe prevented: I therefore began to examine
•what clothes there were in the .boat, and what other things.
Could b’e fpared; and, having determined that only two
füits fhould be kept for each perfon, the reft was thrown
A a r overboard,