T H E S O U T H S E A S, &c.
and a boat. The chart I have given, is by no means meant } J 89^
to fuperfede that' made by Captain Cook, who had better v—
opportunities than I had, and was in every refpedt properly
provided; for furveying. The intention of mine is
chiefl$jjhjo render.’this narrative* more, intelligible, and to
fliew in what manner the eoafl: ^appeared to me from an
open boat., I hayelittle doubt but that the opening,
which 1”named the Bay of Hlands, isT Endeavour Straits;
arid that oiir track was to' the northward- of Prince of
Wales’s Ifles. - Perhaps hythofe- Who fhall hereafter navigate
thefe feas, more advantage :rniy rbe derived from
the poffeffion of both our charts, than from either of them
ifirigly.- J