tov^Bgifroffl itheftem of thé boat, but though wè faw great
numbers pf fifla, we Could never catch one. - '
. At,noon, I obferved, in latitude i6° 4';$*-and-found we
had made a courfe, from yefterday noon,.N 6a° W , diftance
öamiles; longitude,by apcount, from Tofoa, y*42' W.
Thjd^Md p^cfled' yefterday,d and the day before;' ïs;-&'
group of aftands, 14 or 16 in number,’.lying between the laV>
titude jo-f 1&-2& S and 170 57' S,~and- in longitude;* by ray
account, 40 47'to y° 17'W from Tofoa.’ Three ofthefe bland s
arh>vecy large, having from 30 to 40 leagues o f fea^coaft. Jf
In the«ftefnoon wé cleaned out the boat, and itremjdoyed*
us till funrfeit -t’oge f every thing, dry and irrbrder. vHithertét
I had iffued the allowance by guefs, but I now made a pair
affcalesj-with two cocoa-nut fhells; and, having .-accidentally
jlpnrptpi^0!"^^-3 .in the boat; 2 g of sarhich’ 'weighed
ong poupd^ur^ 16 ounces, I addpted nne^vas th,e proportion
o f weight that each p»erfoa fhcnddbEeceive ..of breath at jthe
times ] ferved it._ 1- alfo amufëd all hands, With defcribing
t^e^ifitUarion o f New,Guinea and NewJUQftand^aad gave
diem, eyery in formation. in my power, that in cafe any accident
happened .to.; me, thofe who furvived might have:
fome idea of. what they were about, and be.,able to find
their .way to Timor, which at prefent they knew nothing
of, more than the name* andfdme not'even that. Atnight,
I ferved a quarter of at pint of water, and half an ounce of
Saturday May the 9th. In the morning,, a quarter pf a’
pint of. cocoa-nut milk, and fome p f the decayed bread, was
ferved for breakfaft; and for dinner, I divided the meat pf
faurj cocoa-nuts, with the remainder of the rotten .bread,
which was only eatable by fuch'diftrefied people.
-* I t weighed 2^2 jjrains.
A t
At noon, I obferved the latitude to be 15° 47' S ; coürfe
fince yefterday N 750 W, diftanc&64 miles; longitude made,' <— L
byi'kccount,“ 8° 44' W .
; In the aftórno’dfil ï: fitted a.paif oflhrouds For êach maft,
and* contrived a- caiiySfs weathêf cloth round the boat, and
raif^d the quarters about hine inches, b^nailirigon the feats
of rhé*fferhfheelsr Which proved óf great benefit to‘^ |^ |
Thé?wind'had béeh'moderate dll dSy^inTjie S E quarter,
with fin&Veafher.; but, aboiit pine' o’clock in \he evening;
the d'ouds began' fö gatb'eïV and we hdd a -prodigious'Fall' of
rain, ’with feye|pè 'thunder’ and l%htninjpfTy rdidnighf we
caught 'dbbut twenty gallons of water. Being’ mifêrably
wet and - Cold, 1 ferved to ThfepeP'ple a tea-fpoonful o f rum
each',-to enable 'them' to'bear with their diftrelfed fituatibd.
The weathèr "eóntinüedlè^rtémely* badf and the wind in5*
creafedfwe fpent a very mMefabld night, without fle’ep, ex-
CéprihchUs could be got in'the- ihidft of? fain. The daf Sunday 10.
hrdugbt' nö relief but'‘its light. The fea broke over us To
mbèh, that t Wo mëri- werë corifUritly hdlfrigfljand' we had no
chóicëttiów to ftéef, being obli-gèd tó keef bëfoie the wavds?
for fear of the boat filling.
The allowance now regularly ferved to each' perfon was
one 25th of a pound of bread, and a quarter of a pint of water,
at eight in the morning* at noon, and at fun-fet. Today
f gdvé’aböut half an outiéè o f pork fof dinner, ."which,
though" any moderate perfon would- have cónfideréd only as
a mouthful, was divided into thrëe ö f four. 4
The rain abated towards noon, and I obferved the latitude
to he 150 17'' S ; courfe N 67° W diftance 78 miles;
longitude Made xo° W.
. The wind continhed ftrong from' SSE to SE, with very
fqually 'weather, and .a high breaking fea, fo that we were
miferahly wet, and fuffered' great cold in the night.
. B b Monday