of paroquets. A few oyfter-cat'ohers and gulls were generally
about the beach, and in the lake a few wild ducks.
Being in want of plank, I dire6ted a faw-pit to be dug,
and employed fbme of the people to faw trees into plank.
The_greater part of this week the winds were moderate,
Friday 29. with unfettled weather. On Friday it - blew ftrong from
the S W, with rain, .thunder, and lightning. We .continued
to catch^fiih in Sufficient quantities for. every body,
and had better fuccefs -with the fejne.jTs^We.- were fortunate,
alfo, ip angling’in foe lake, where w.e caught fome
very fine tench. | .Some of the people felt adycknefs from
■ eating mufoles, that were gathered from the rocks; but
1 believe ijt was occafioned hy eating-too - many. - W,e
found fofqe fpider?crabs, moft of them not good, being
foe female fort, and* out of-feafon. The males- were {tolerably
.good, and were known, by the fmallnefs. of their
.two fore daws, or feeders. We faw the trunk of a dead
treepon -which had been cut “ A. D. 1773^ The-figures
were very diftinit; even foe flips made with the
knife were difcernible.. This mull have,been, done by
fome of Captain Furneaux’s people, in March", 1773, fifteen
•years before. The marks o f the knife remaining £9 unaltered,
I imagine the tree muft have been dead when tit was
■ cut ! hut it ferves to fhew the durability of the;woofo for
it w^s perfo&ly found at this time. I fhot' two-gannets*:
thefe birds were -of foe fame fize; as thofe. in- England;
their, colour is a beautiful white, with the wings and tail
.lipped with-jet black, and the top and-back of foe. head
of a .very fine yellow. | Their feet- were black, with four
claws, onj eafo of'.which, was a,’yellow line foe-whole
length of the foot.- The bill was four inches long, wjfo»-
p.ut.noftrils, and very taper and {harp-pointed. ;
Monday 25.
•The eaft fide of, fop bay being^hot fofoick of, wood as ‘$ö.
thé other. parts, and the foii being goofi, I fixed on it, at* iAvcuiT-1
Nclfpn’jS recqrnmpndatien,» as ,the mqft proper .fituation for
planting forfo/fofoe .fruit-trees, wfoch I bad brought from
foe Capp of.<foo)hHppe. cifcupfoapcp much againft any
foipgXuqceediqg here,, is, 'foal in foe fory feafon, the foes
made by fo e nafiyes^are apt, tpxpmmunicate; to the- drigd .
grafs and underwood, andfo fprqad in fuefoa,- manner as ,
to enejangen efory foipg foat carfoot hear a fevere fcorch-
^ Wefoowey^b, efiofe wh^hw^'fo^qghf foqfofeft fitufoqqs,"
1 and,, pianfo4 foref- ffo r young" apple - trees, nine
5vines,, fix pfoitain-teee^ a, ppmber|M-.p^|%5. anfi, lemon-
foed,* cherry -foones ^ plum, wipafo,. ||M | apri-cot- ftone^,
pumh|ns,r alfo.tWQ, fifos, o f Indifofop^p., and,.apple . and
pear kprnels. .f.Thp.jgtpupd i^jWell adapted for tfo trees,
hp.ing fo f a rich?loamy -natupe. T.hq .foot where we made
-oUr plantation was, clear o f unper^oogfand'Welmarked the
treesfoat floodfoear eft-.,to the4 fofierept fofogs, which, were
planted. elfon followed, the ,circuit of. the" -bay,'planting
in fuch places as, appparfo mqft fogfofoht I hayOagrcat
hopps that fbme„pf foefo articles Will, fopifofo , The par-
tipfoar fituatfons I,had defqribed in my fui-yey* oi^tliis. plac.e,
but I yyas unfortunately prevented,-from bripging it home,
fofear .foe watering plaqe, likeyvilfo jye planted-pn a flat,
whifoappeaijed a favourable, fouation, foipe onions* cab-
hagp.-ro°ts, and pOtSjtpps..
forFoy fome.days paft, a number of whales were feep in foe
bay. They* Were o f the fame, kind as foqfe jwp h$4 generally
met wifo before, having two blow-holes;pn the back o f foe
head.’ £ , ^ . | B,E*
O h foe night,of the fooffopfomber, we obferyed, for Monday i.
the firft time, figps'of the h a lve s befog in thé foéignboür-
• hood, f ifeswefe feen on thé low land,hear C apé Frederick
H Hénry*