taboo, and | that they, w’otild cohte hither as I foe® as they
heard ©fom-arrivak of which he promifed to fend them'
immediate notice-. He faid that the cattle which we had
left at iTcfngafcahoQ» bred* and tbat the old ones were
yet livin g i He enquired after feveral people who were
heFe with Gaptain Gook. being defirpusto: fee the fhip/I
took him and his cctopanmhs-beloW, and fbeWed them, the
bxead-frmt ahi“ other plants, at feeing which they , weie
greatly’ furprifed-. I made each sof them a prefent; and,
when they had fStished their curiofity, I invited them to
go on Ihore with me in the fhiph hhat. ?
1 tooklsfeifon witfrhie ta jiracurefome bread+fruitplamts,
oneof our flock feeing dead, and- two ©r three others a little
ficklv. When we landed, there were about two hundred
people on the beach, moft of: them women and children.
Tepa^Ihewed me' a large hoatrhoufe, which, he told me,
we might makeufe of ; thinking we IhhuMhavea party
on fliore, as o^r flaps had formerly.. - 1 went with him in
Cfearehof water, bat could;lmtter ptaetetbgte whetB
C&pt^Bi'Goiok had Watered, which is a quarter of a mile Inland
from the eaft end o f the beach. I next walked to the
weft point o f tb e bay, where fome plants and; feeds had
been lbwitfey Captain Cook; and had thefaMsffaiffion tdfee,.
in a plantation efofe by, about tweatyfinepin:e--apple plants*
but no fruit, this not beingthe proper feafon. They told me,
that they had eaten many of them, that they were fine and
large, and that at Tongataboo~ there were, great numbers.
When I returned to the landing^plaee^ I WM ifeflredi to
fit down, and a prefent .was brought me, which confifted
of fome bundles of cocoa-nuts only. - This fell fhort of my
expectations; however, I appeared fati'sfied, and diftributed
beads and trinkets to the Women and children near, qie.
■ Numerous .were.-the marks: o f mourning with which,
thefe people,disfigure themfelves, fiich as bloody temples?
their heads deprived o f mhftiqf The hair, and,"What was
worfe,Maimed all of them with- 'theVtofs o f fooae: o f their
fingers. Several fine boys, not above fix years old, had loft
Both their little fing er san d Ionic of the. then ;.b,efidte$ -tbefe?
had parted With the middle-finger of the right handh &
The*'chiefs?: went off with'-meS$ |$ihner,‘ and I found a.
brilktrade -tofirying ©n; at the flaip for yam&F&me plana
tains, and* bread-fruit were likewife brought on board, but
mo’togBl' Ip ,tlie afternoon, haofeTailing canoes-'arrived,
feme of-which contained not left than nfegl^jpafltengers r
We pur chafed. eight hog^kfomfe'' sdogs,y fowls,, and- Ihad-
docks. *¥arais were in gleats i abundance,. “very flfiOt' and
large ^ one yam weighedf above forty-flye pounds? Among
the people that cam«' this, arftesnoofi, were; two' of the’:
narhemfi Tiibpiyj. which is. a family flfiihfe firft diftin&iou
among the .Friendly'Mauds | one of diem: was chief of
the ill and Tefoogay with him and .Tepa.*I;iwet«-oU,.Ihore- to-
fee- the. wooding pfacb.i I fotuid -a; Variety!©# lakeabie ttfees--;-
but the- kind whkti l principally- pitched- upon, was the-
BarringfooSk, ^ frer ffe r. - 1 act®»»ted’ Tepa- w kh |^ y in^
tention dffendihgipbople-to cut wood,which meeting with,
hiis approbation, we parted.
On the 23th, at daylight, the wooding and watering parties
went on Ihore. I had dir-efied them' hot ‘td> cut the*
kind of free * , which, when Captain-Cook Wooded here
hi 1777> blinded, for-a time, mahy|sdf 'tifelwood-chtters.-
They had not been an hour on Ihore, before one man had
an axe ftoleh-from him, and another an adfce. Tepa was
' #- Exccecana J0 locha Linn. Sp. PI. failed in tbe Malay Language, Cdju Mata
Bmta, which fignifies, the tree that wounds the eyes.. !
Saturday z j .