ftaii7Tsi7jj- .-'
Thurfday 4.
Tuefilay 9»
Monday 15.
N ovemb er . Sunday 4.
W«dnefday ai. ■
of tbfe plants iiiter^iswtof %iioo^c hdiidi : the one,' ©avid
Nelfon,.who rhad been on. finrilar employment ifr Captain?
Cook?s laft'wdyage,; thevotherj 'William* Brows^-as afl£*
affillant whole -l<immber
amounted, to forty-fix. :
t rlt ,was ,-pfopofed, that jour route1. to |4h© SnSiityaIRands
fhould be round. Cape; flo ra ; ’and the. greater.•dirpatch
became neceffary, as the.feafon.was already fa r ’advanced :
bnt the fhipwrightf not being able- tohqmplete their work
by the time the ffiip-was.ready in otheE xifpeCts, our failing
was unavoidably retarded. However, by thg 4th of October
the pilot came on board to take us dowrilthe river j on the
9th we fell down to Longfleachj where we received our
gunner’s ftores, and guns, four ‘j four-pounders and ten
The fhip was ftored and victualled forjeighteen months.-
In addition to the- cuftomary allowariee o f provifions, we
Were fupplied withibur .krouf, portable foup,.’effenee o f
malt, dried malt, and .a: proportion! ofi.bariey and whdat ■ in
lieu Of oatmeal. I was likewife furhifhed with, a quantity
o f iron-work and trinket’s, to ferve in our intOfcpurfe with
the natives in the South StaS: and from the board o f
Longitude I received a time-keeper-, made by Mr» Kendal.
On the. 15th I received orders to . proceed to Spithead j
hut the winds and Weather were. fo unfavourable that we
did not arrive there tifl the 4th pf-jftjvetnber. On the
24th I received from; Lord Hood, who fcommarided at
Spithead, my final orders. The-windr, which for feyeral"
days before had been favourable, was now-turned direCtiy
againft us.' On the 28th the Ihip’s compahy received two
months fpaiy in advance, and on the following morning
we worked put tp ;St. Helen’s, where we were obliged to
anchor. |
,, We made; diffidentmnfnccefsful attempts to-get down
butvcontrary winds and bad weather confiantly | |—Ijj— 1
fxtrf fA UR hafik.froi^t. Helenas,; pr Spithead, until Sunday the Sundays-
QkBec»^ber.,}wl^h we, failed with ;a 'fair wind,
pur ftay-.at-Spithead,. the fate of the time-piece
w^foygral’ tiroes .examined- by Mr. Bailey's obfervations at
t;b^ ^rffmouth observatory,« rGifriaefiptb o f »December,
$h^ l$ft tipaei,p£ifftbep.-i8g examined.©mfhorer it Was 1! 52^ 5
too fajf for .mean fim©^ gi>4‘ itii'eni'lof ng^tf fhe rate of if', i
per day-La^d at - this rate I eftimate i its going wheri we
Th^qbjeCtofyllth^Tormer voyages, to th©, South Seas*
pndertake'p£-by .the jpm-mand o f his ^prpfent majeft$,',haS
^been;theadv}an^emen.4of feiencp, and thedncteafe of know-
. Jedge. jsThis .ytjyagei may be..reckoned «the firft, the indention
of which has .been,tp tderive; benefifTrpm thofe
^iftant difcoveries. - For (the more fully.• comprehending
the nature an<f plan o f ., the, expedition, and* that the
leader (may.,be poffefled of .©very, information peceffary
for entering on the following fhe,etsj I fhall here lay before
him a copy o f the- inferuCtipils I received,from the
admiralty, and likewife a fhort defcription o f the bread-
By the, ICQtnkiiJJioners fo r executing the office
o f Lord High Admiral o f Great Britain,
and Ireland,T , .
WHEREAS the king, upon a reprefentation from the
merchants and planters interefted in his, majefty’s |Weft
India poffeffions, that the. introduction of the bread-fruit
treerinto the ifrands pf,thofe fea's,-:tiqi;.eqn$iiute an arifolemf
food, would be of very eflentiaf benefit to the inhabitants,