departure from fiuaheinc, there were fome disputes be»
tween the people of that 'iflahd and thofe of tJlietea,,
in which alio the natives fef Bdlabdla tobfc ■‘ a * pafti^
Qmai, who was became df cPnfeqhence from the pofi-
feffi ng-three or four rnufkets, and fome am muni t ion, was-
confulted on ihej^cafion. Such was his opinion arid
affurances of fuccefs, that a war was determined on, and
took place immediately.— Victory foon followed, through,
the- means of thofe few arms, and many o f the Ulietea-’anci'
Bolabola men were killed. In this coiiteft their flints
proved bad, or probably the locks- of the ''tnuflcets had got
out: of orderthi s they remedied - by ,a lighted flick, One
man. prefenting- the mufket, and another with the burnt
flick fetting" fife to the priming; without- which Contrivance,
their arms would have-proved ufelefs. This expedition,
it confirmed all their ammunition» Peace
was fooh after efiablifhed, but I did not underftarid that
Omai hadincreafed his poffeffians or his rank. Neverthe-
lefs, I have reafon to conclude, that he was in fome degree-
o f favour with his countrymen, from the general good cha-
radter which they give of him. It appears, that he always
remembered England with kindnefs; for his accounts to-
his countrymen have been fueh as to give them, hot only
a great idea- o f our power and cenfequence, but o f our-
friendfhip and good-will towards him.
Tyvarooah, the eldeft of the New Zealand hoys that
were left with him,, died a fhort time after Omai J; about;
Coah,. the youngeft, I had always doubtful accounts till f
came to Huaheine,. where I learnt that he Jikewife was-
C H A P * V II I.
'Expedition 'to Tettaha after a Heifer^—Ex\rf&rmnary do-
" mefiic Arrangements.— ‘Tina/b's 'Mother'*'' v ifts ' tW Ship'.—
A ‘Sheep brought from Ulleiea.—Heavfftprm,.— 'Dea'ip ‘o f
the Surgeon.—fahwni’ and fo^hroah Raroougs 'examinm'M
A FTER- dinner, I- went on’ fliore,-’ and while 1 was at 17s«*
the tents,'from having'expofed m-yfelf too much in 10YEMB8K;
the fiin, I was taken- up and coniinued' in rhbeh paid for
near an hour.' 'This .was foon known among the native^
and I was- exceedingly* furprifed to fee Tinah, and.alb the
principal people, both men and women, colledting round >
me; and offering their affiflancd. For this fhort illnels, I
was made-ample amends, by the pl^fiafe I received from
the attention and appearance-of affedtiolx in thefe kind
<FridSf a4th.-^rhis morping.f hadhumberlefs enquiries Friday >#
after nay health. The weather being fine, .1 invited Tinah,
Oreepyah;,' and. PoeenOy to accompany ./me ;to 'fettaha, in
order to enquire after the cowand foon after'fun-rife we -
fet^offin. the launch. -Tettaha is nearly, four leagues*'from
Point-Venusi On our arrival,. Tinahiifent a mari {O give,
notice', of our :vifit< The. chief fef the-difiridt;. whofe- ,
name-was' TCppahoo, did-; not . appear, but fen t a tnef-
fehger todemand, if I came only, to-fee rthe <co Wy^dr to. take
it awayswith me. In anfwer ;td thik, T 'fent afliirmces,,
that I only defined to fee it; and the chiefs who were.
; with