Charles the Second* and the name net being inapplicable to
w. —»•— ~> ojar prefent fituation (far we were reftoyed to freth Jfcfe and
ftrengtb^I named this Reftoration Ifland j for I thought it
probable that captain Obok might not have taken notice of
it. The other names, which I havé pa^fyxmedto give- the
different parts o f the coaft, are meant only to {how my
route more diftinétl^ft,
'1 A t noon,--1—ohfervied_ the Jahti^ of thé hland. to. he
ra? 39HS ;, Qur courfe having been N 66° W, dftance i8
■ miles from yefterday noon. The wind was at E IE* with
very fine weather*"
In the afternoon» I fent parties out again to gather ©yfters,
with which and fbm? of the 'Inner part of the palm-top, we
made another^gnod ftew fox fupper, each perfam receiving
a flfflpint and a half ; but I refufed bread ta fihis-. mealy for
I: confidered that our wants might yet be very great, and
•Was, intent par favfiig our pxiaeipai fiupparf whériè’véK'' htf
was mT'my power. After föpper, we again divided, and
thofe who were on there fiept b y a goo^t fiȎ.
Saturday jo. fk ted ay , May thé 30th. In the morning». A difgotvesedra
yifible aiteratjem in our company for the b®tt#*y and I fern
them away again to gaiheruyftersv Wo had; now only tw o
pounds of pork left. This article, which boouM not keep
under lock and key as I did the bread» had been pih
fer'ed by fome inconsiderate perfon, but every one denied
having any knowledge of this a£b; I therefore refolded!
to put it out oif their power Use- the future,’ by fhafing what'
remained,, for our dinner. While the party wsstsrcsit picking5
up oyfters, 1 got the boat in readinefs for fea, and filled all
our water vefiêls, which amounted to -nearly 6© gallons.
The party b.ejng returned? dinner was fopn ready, which
was as pleiitiful a meal as the fuppèr On thé pffe'cbdirrg eVëW-
'fhgj. arid 'With thWpork r parite ah aÖöWdiiëè tif. bread. As it
Was ttbt yöt ftóöh, 1 lent thé’ pëföplê oftde rdórë tö güthér
oyftëts föf* affaftcttW,f tö’ them to nöas diligent
as- pöffiblè1,, fóf that I Wiè detèfnrifièd',>tö fail ih the
ïftërtiöÖti. '
At riüoii,; f agaiifr b'bfcrved thé kfit-ridë t é #)' S; it WIS
thdn; high-Watèr; the'- ticfé had" fifeh tfffêë'fèët, hut 1 cóuid
fïót bè certain ff'ótn Whêfrcè fhè'ffööd' cMie. I dëd|ic% thé
tittle df nigh-Wdtef itf’füll ahd cM fi^ ' tó' bfe tëri ttllnutéi
ffëftffef eh iii the möfning.
Êafïy ih thé affêrfïöötl, the" péö'plfe returned' With thé jfëW
óyïtbr^ thdt thëy had coïïe^fed; Stuf ëVèfy'thlttg Was p u f
Mtó thé'böat. ï'tnefi êk^friffiëd the qu^Ünty’ ó f bread fë-^
friiiiHh^ atid follhd' 3$ dayg’aïló'Wïftfcé, acf brffibgfti ’fhè‘ lkfi
mode of ifluing a 25th of a pound at breakfajft ahd at diti- •
hér. '
Fait wëa'tfrèf, add ftiüffëratë bfëêzëé at‘E S È and SE.
Beibg ready for' féa, I difëfted evëfy peffoïl fcf attënd'
prafeïs. At fbür ö’clbck-We wêffe pYëpanngtfè^ êihbafk ;
Whêh'abÓuV twehty of the* natives appëaïéd, rurCriifig ^nfl
haÜo'oihg tö üs,“’on thé oppofité fhofe. Y-he^ wetë each
afïöed with a fpeaf ót lancfe, and a ïKort'Wëapöft which tbdy
carried in their lëft hand : • they ma'de figns for us to'carbe,'
tö thërff. Öri thè‘ fóp o f the hrfls Wé' faw tKè' lrèJads7;oft
fib'afiy ffpife'ë‘whéÖiëf thëffi wêfë'th'êif wïves arid childrêrij f
of others who waitëd 'for oüf landing, ihêahirigljSót tó ffibw
thêrh'feTvés, left’ We might' be" irifïmïdatëd, I cahh'df fa'y; but*,*
a§ I found We Were dxfcbvered tó be pnthë f ‘iAought"
j f f 'titéke the be A ofoCbf Way, for''feaY pfbëin^;,,
gurfued hy earioès ; though, from the accounts o f captain-
3 Gook,,
ATa r .