~ • . ......'
Tuefday 19.
Amfterdam Was "in fight' to thé northward. We had fair
weather all the.'forënoön, 'hut -juft-’ at hoon,’ a 'fqualï
came on, which 'Was',, Unfavótffablë for' öur1 óbffervatióhV
I had, h'owevferf'.two-' fets’ è £ double ^altitudes, and a good’1
altitude' exaétly at noon, according'to the time-keeper.
The refulf of. thefe give-for the latitude of thë emitter o f
St. Paul,1 38° 47- &,'5 The lfengitude I make '77'0 39' E. The
variation ofThe com pafs,* taking the ‘mean oftwhat -it was
©bferved to be the '-dayi'befofcé ‘we few the' ifiahd, and the
' day after, is 190 30^ W. !
At noon, we were three 'leagues’' paft5fhh Hland.- W®
kept on towards the B S S fl &nd for-' fever ail' days1 -CbntirMed*
to’>feelrock-weèdr which I iff remarked to h e -generally' the
eafe after flrips paft; Str- PauOfë; hut to thëi wêftward'- o'E
it,’ very feldom iaöf-’is feemr
: rrtir latitude 44° 16' S, 'longitude T'4S6 7''E, I efbfervecfrthê*
•variation of the compafs JÖhè *6° 23' W. ' I had fid
tunity to obferveit againr till in the latitude | df 43°
lemgitude 133° 'E, When i t w a s.'ï^g^E ; Ttf- that we
had pa-fled the line o f no variation. I In 178®, on board
the ÊeMution,^ indaferde 440 agÉ S, longitude 1310 csS' E^
the Variation was-lobferved- 6°;ó'< Which' 'is* a« frematkable
diï&eöeë.v W e 'had -much had Weatbefc, wibhffodw
and had, and in our approach to Van DiemeiilS'ïlMtid, northing
was ftfetr to indicate' the1 nearnefs1 é£ the;ïdéMh,i except
a fcal/when we "were within the diftaiice of a© leagues.
At two o’cIoek tMs afternoon^ we few : the rock named
the Mewftone, that Hés near the, SeWicapéJöf Vah;iDiei-
men’s Land, bearing about fix le a gu ed •The:; wind
hlfew-.ftrerag from ' the NW Ï As- foon as! wé. had paffeA
the Mewftone, we were flieltered from- a ;vèry heavy fea^
which ran from the weflward; At eight ©?cloek at night
wes.were i.^breafl:. of; '■ $}&’* fbutlv pape,, i when the wind- be- 1788.
same i%^und;v^riaMe.^'t^awi(i%veml’ftrp&'inland*. ’
jtliThe M p y ,iy a jlh ig rh .b o ld roGk;;th>at' Mes.fiye,-leagues
to the S;E,jp'£;the S W ealpe^andiis the parti that all ihips
"hound thi-C way'ihpulc||(e!|ke^y our to makp* s It^ylatitude
is 43a 4#,or 476.’, S’e^||aViiMnds!,. lie" to. theiinorthyard, be-,
tween that >ajnd t-he, n ^ n ,( among which,>bearipg'N; by W
from • the•Mhwftqn.elf^ta high- r<^fc ,much, refembpng, i t ;
and I^,N^E from theitMe^ftone,/®n' the main land, is a
remarkable, high mountain, whieh^i-^ this ;dire£tion, ap-
pparsfpe>tohedi.uie. a but as-viewed from--the
-eaftward, .feems rounds -
All-the 20thr we were endeavouring to get into Advert---.Wednerday
ture Bayr but wet^e prevented! b y variable) spiuds .- The
nejtjl; marning, .atpfiyp to’clack, anchored ihr-thefodter
part,-1'and .at fijrwile. we^fted&agaio - :riat, ppohv wp ‘ anchored'
weiFiif the bayy and moored ’the ftiip, 'PehgfuirL Ifland
bearing , I ;-Ei wbouti two Briylds? $iftamts,j t-Gape Frederic
."Henry N -23°!^;-• and the; mouth of the Lagoon-
In ottr. paflagevfrbm- the Gapp of ^Ghod’ Hc^te, - the -Winds
werejjnoftly-"" from; the weftward,with- > veryuhoifterpua-
Weather: b,Ut one 'greats advant age, ^ ts.tjiis, fea-fonnf the
yearbas over ;'riie,rfitinfia.de &ton-th4ds, in beingsfred from
fioga.^'-h havp\|aheady;‘fcmaricctisj that -the. .approaeh .flf
ftrong foUtherly wipds, is aun.oupqed>tbyf' many kinds of
feirdsip^the albatrofe o'r- petterel trh>e,*-; and--tibothbatement
o f the gate,tor a fhift of Wind to‘ thje- northward# by, thefr
keeping away.- The thermtfipa€tp^ alfo-yery-q-uickly -ihews,
when 'a change o^t thefe winds maybe e^pedted, by yary -'
ing fometimes: fix and feyen degrees; init.s;hfeig,ht; I have
iseafon to believe», that after we pafled the iflatid St* Paul,