irM.. tine Landros of-GraYfirennet, a new colony, in his. way.
But from the plase where Mr. IJalhoufen lives, to the
Landros, Mr. Wacke’s refidenee, j.s a awoaths journey,
which he did cot ehufe to .undertake at an uncertainty,
as Mr. Wocke might have dif&pproved of the enterprise.
It was in Qftober iaft that Mr. Holhoufen offered to goon
this firvice, tie was one o f the party who went alppg the
feaTCoaft in fearch of the& unfortunate peopleiwhen a
few o f them firft made their appearance at the Cape, I
am, however, informed, .that the Dutch farmers are food
of making expeditions into the country, that they may
have opportunities of taking away. cattle; and this, I ap-
preb.end,')th he one o f the Lchief reafcps why nadertakingf
e f this kind are npt encouraged.
. On the 13th of June, the Dublin Eaft Indiaman arrived
frpm England ; on hoard of which fbip, was a party o f th e
77th regiment, under the command o f colonel Balfour,
rix®BhrehJt of my lUnar ©l^ivations gave fof thelaOgi-
tude o f Simon’s 13ay, xB9 48/ 34" £ ; the; latitude 34? i i ' 34' ' S>
The time-dseeper lifcawife made thedongifeude j 8°47'
The longitude, as eftablilhed by former ohfervations, |§
ifffgg'E. The van^acn-' of .the compafs ,00 feofe jyas
240 4' W ; hut,,on hoard of th e fhip, it was only 2a0 W-
—The time of h ig h water was three quarters pail two bn
the full and change, .and it then flowed d£x feet.
, With refpeft to the Gape Promontory,, At lies- uheiUt
three miles eaft o f the. .meridian M Simuifs Town. Ah
the tables of latitude and longitude place the. C^pe in
340 29' S latitude; but'from many cthfervations off it, with
good infteuments, I make it to He in 34° -ag. which
agrees: with its fituation asdaid down in,
The part which I call the Cape, is the fopthernmoft point
of the land between Table Bay and Falfe Bay; hut the *7*k
Dutch confider the wefternmoft part of the coaft to be the
On the 2,9th, being ready for fea, I took the time- Sunday *9.
keeper and imftruments :on bpard. The error of the
time-keeper was 3 too’jfloW, ’fd f’the mean time at
Greenwich, -and its,, rate .of going'- & * per dayj loflng.
The thermometer, during’: cfevftay here,‘Was from 51
> y/e,.,thad ’ been thirty-eight' dayS1^at' > this place, and Jvvt.
my t people hfd ^r^ceiyed| , alln thei* advantage that could u? y u
be derived from, the $^x$fl**n?nt$- pEi every; kind that
are here be met with. Wveufailqd at four o’clock
this afternoon, -and faluted the platform with thirteen
guns as we ran out. of thp hay,, which- were returned»
c h a p ;