• breeze tipmn&Mpfrom the :J^wiwfc*ch.'gcadnaJlyrcam*
\'_:- - ‘ ■ sound. to. the eaffward), a p proved tosbn ^stradesitoiócr.
Quk latitude-on. the- igith» ao poon» longitude
»2&0- v f Es j Variation ó f the compafs 5019' E . '?:j
Saturday 15. On,tbe 2&th» at half paftfev/m in the morning-» we law
the Ifland Maitea,’ called .Qfeiahdfg.hyi Captaiini Waps»-who
fifcfls di&overfid it. At noon. ihbO|e!Si W hsjrtW' $ iW» fixihiles
diftant. Our fetitiade- L^3^%vlaé%itpfo;aia?-24!'®.:-: hatd
ration fim'dqgi'Qq&veaft.;| As;i Captain» Wallis, and; €aptain
Cook hadhoth paffed:near' the fdxifh fideel ran.ial®w|g the
north fide* which is remarkably fteep.7.‘ 3lhsifiapdifeih^h
and round», and; nolr moreithaili three satlé® in'tegrë^tfeft
ejÉtentj »jBhe Ibuthj fidë»' whepfe the. detiwiio^.frotti ;öse; hill
iemoré. gradual, is- the-chie£ place;of rehdenteè ófi. the naK
Hives.; but the north fide, from th e . vëry fummifc down
to the fea>; is &iillisp^ that St ca» ^»rd®ö d l^ o r t M
the, inhabitants. . We fleered pretty clofe in to„the north}*
r W&thof the >eafe end|i Where we- few .bisi! .few hffMfeti'tós t
^yery heahhof^^r^affinaH eminence* dedaghtfnlly fttha®ê®
in ai groye o f»efcohthüt-.t^tó», particularly ‘a tt r a^ fe u r npu
ticft» About! twenty of the natives followed us along fhore,
waving an&ftipwiag l&rgerpieges^tSËdotthy te *A h^ f^ f% h
1 theftiprawas too high to.think of .fraVateigany»cotphaui
tioh.wiifo therm. I ehfetwedw-gBeatinnmbeP®'cdlre^4iub~
trees* but- did; not fee one, .plantain-rtree* K^hemiwerèiother
trees*. but o f .wha|- kind we; could ho©' diflinguilh :- near»
the eafl end are two remarkable rocks» and ai reef: runs*
off to., the'eaftward :atoiit hajfi a» leaguev- i
Theilatitude o£ Mafteh is; vf-^iSri;. arid! titei^'
kee^E^itsdongitede* i&i° 24' E: fronr^BoinfWenus. Wa|-i action!
ofcthe? compafs 50 36' E. i 1
We continued our couriö to tire; weftWard* and at life
2 in;
In . the evening few Otaheite, bearing ‘W, i the iflahd 17^8.
Mai-tea, then in ÉS^ht» bearing É f !8* eight leagues diftant. . CT°B,*i
A i cthèie was gfcêac 1 psiobaM&ty that Wh1 ffiöüïd remain a .
confMeraMe time at Otahöité* it; could hot bë êxpeêled. that
the intercom!© of vm* piöpl© With* f&K Éatly lij flieuld be rif
a very referved katilrferi I thterêfeïb dMêfëd'K&M: èvéry per-
fon ffndtiiff be5 examined by th e ïufgèöh» arid Md thé fe£
tisf&ftiori to ffötiS h® tbpbrtj thaf & iy Wèré all pér~
fe f lly fcee froth anyWbiffsai ©OMfilaint/
■ o d th e 26th,'at foiir o’clock' m'thë‘morriing, having rut! Sunday »6.
tWÉnty'*Éf'e lltgrifis i&ayr,
light* Wfefei-#e few Pölnt ^e&us bbSfifig^ W h f W^ djllaÖt
Jbotffi four ieighéii 1 A-s ' Wè'dre#' héarj; a;: gib tit h'ühIBêS
Qf;»éa0oiéieIt&é óff tö; u ^ ;ïThfef:®^^l^a0iïe^:WeÉ^ i f we
WireiS$8fe|iwhich fignifes fflênds ;,j‘- and whêtSër-we1 eamë
fro,m'Pré?i?^» (their
ma: they.wqre nö fóoner fetisfied in this, than they crouded
on. hoard in vaft numbers, notwithftanding;'Our endeavours
to prevent it-, ag. we were - working the .fhip ij|;;|iand in left
' fl^ari^^ènjirninutcs, the deck.Was fo full-that I could fcarce
finapmy5 OWri- ^ëbpléi>' ; ACcnine ih the förëhópn, ,wè wère
pbBgèH to'santhof-in the outer part1 of ''IVIataVai Bay^ ,
thirteen fathoms, being prevented by light variable winds' -
from plating the fhip in a proper birth. Injthis ftation the
weft part of «One-tree hill bofeS.by- E iE ohe mile diflant.'
This paffagóvfof fifty-two days from iVan Dienien’s laiid
may be rated: as moderate failing. We palled New Zealand .
with the fpring equinox^ and the winds, though ftrong,
were ,at inq ;tipie Violent. To the!' fouthward of 40° o'ipj^,*
they" Were variable; .between the latitudes Of 40 arid 3J30 S^' -
the wind kept in the N W quarter; afterwards*t-ili'We'gof'
into the trade, the winds were variable*:rhoftly Trhm1 the
I 2 . I «.eaftwardi-i;