rfâk\c. al-fe gië il'dimiicéf ifl m€oriâtivés'^sîpf0fleid OAréîi: FurJjriêë
Bÿ IQBÜ fitÔtits afiti aèclaiMîibfis.
I hàd a largè’ cbîn'pâüy at dihner ; Fôiy befidés Tinfeh
and Bis WiFej thëre ivàs OïôW-, tiré fàffîôf'fef' TiMàtr*
Oreèpyàb, ■ and WHyfiobàhj tWê lof"his Brothers,' PbèèiiÔv
'and fëvëfai ottiièr chïéfsî ; Tirifeh i s 'â'H¥r^'iafge SîSfii
rhuch abbVè Æê^cpffiméh ftaVutèj bëing1 nbt lëfs Ttiafî' Hît
fë'ét lôur ihôbiês ih hhijdiiÿ and prdpbrtiëMbly- ffbuf V &îè
age abbitt thiitÿ'-ÏÏTC. His Wî^ t Jéd^feâ1 t?d be
abolit twtmfy^fôur- ÿeîtfs 'bf iifefe : ffie is'^ikëWifë ifndâf
asËiÿvë^He côtnnidii fi^ fo f tfeië \VèdiëB St Otahëî'tÀ àïid fifes
'fe-vety iSimïl® ibd #Byâ®ë® y
theyôürtgër 81^0^^^818117^38.
wârîîër, Jffif Tïâd dhb j cMïhStk# 3ë f b e i^ 5:Fhe?,^ea^i-'
driïnfâM in Fbb iS&nH^y ; aiiil iri8bèd>'ië ïr ëÀ tïfë
‘V^ilt^.!le^9^ r - l S f e Màffi
pernicfôbs priiifil %âUëâ éîva-, të gréfêfc ’ëxëëîs. ' Tihâh'>Wfes
fed by one • wfj -Mb- attendants, Wfiô ffit by BiiSf'Rr tbat
puïpôfe^ jtfiîs :Bëifig à part-ieüîat 'cuftôrh among-Tonte ë f
the füpèrior êfiiëfs fend ï Müft cfô h&û thè juftiee to
fôy, he kept Ms attendant cbftffaiîtFy ëffiploÿëdl there
was ihdèèd liftiê /réafîfo. to. compiaiïi.'of wbn=t dfi appetite
hi fetiÿ ëF rffy gûëfts; As the • £êë :ïiol •a!I6Wé3 tô
éat iSi i^fëïëbBë W thè ihêri> ïddëâhdifefed With -fônfëëf
lier companion's* aboht an hour feTtèrwàrdS, ih jSivafé,
ekcept that her fiuibahd Tinah fàvëhf èd tfiëiià with hfe
çompfeny, and feehiëd tô haVè tentifèlÿ fèfjgotïèh that he
had already dined.
■ Provifions were brought off to 'the fhip fih the • |^aÉÉft-
plenty ; and,¥o préventifs much as poflible liiy thih|y Which
anight bcicaffioh 'diqmtéfeî ï deffired Mr. Pe^ëVCr, the'gbh-
her, to Phdërtake the management oF our traffic 'tHth the
8 • 1'" ” natives.
T H E S O U T H S || A S,. 8cc. 67
natiy.es.; Some of the h,©g.§ brought to-day weighed 200lb. *7®^
and we puighafpdt|fe«ver^al f®rjf|lt^^&. 'fSbatsiiwiete like wife *_— H—_
brought off for fale, and I bought a fhe-gpàt and kid for v>
lefs. than would have puréhafed a ftnall hog.— Our friends
herç exprefjfed much difàppôUîtmsnt, that there, was no por-
|r%ÿ-p'ait|t^r ep hoard; fTimh im particular, who.withed to
b§y,e had piânffès of his father and family
An intimacy bctw®en the natives» and oatr people was
affeady-fq' ggnôig.1, that there -was :fisarpe»a man in the fhip
yvko -had sot hi§ ©f %iend - Tinah .continued with me
the wh^e i'n the coürfè of which he eat &ur
û moy gf porfe. befidcs his dinner. =Wheri he left the
^hip, h?i hl^Ueffed I would k^-eP fQr him all |he: prefents f -
had , gfven to hinf» as he had not» at Matayai, a place
fu^jciendy.fafe to feeure them'from being ■ ftolen ; I there-»
for e fhowgd him a* looker in my'cabin for his u£e, ^ad gave
Vijjgi tiifty M it* Thie is-- perhaps.notifinsmùah: a- proof .of
bis wp.nt-.©f-power, as gf theleftimation in which they hold
European commodities, and which makes more than the
-eep^mçn means of'fecurity -requilite to prevent theft. -
. - .Hhad?ffeot iSlèlfon and his affiftant ,to look for plants* .
if WMinO fmall .pleafure to me t© fi-nd,iby' their report,
that, accordin^to appearances; theibhjeéf éf iriy miffion
WOhj-d'-ptoba'bly be aecpmpliAed with eâfe; i had given
d&eéypos fo ievery one on hoard not to make known to
the- ijiaindewsthe punpofe o f ’ our .coming,, left it might
enhance the. yalue .of the bread-fruit plants, oo? occfefion
other .difficulties. Perhaps f© much caution was not ne-
ceffary,hut at all events I -wiffied to referve to myfelf the
time and manner of .communication. Nelfon met with
tiWP ’froe ffiaddeekr-trees,: which he had planted in I777:
they were full of fruit, but not ripe.
! 1 K a ' '■ In