246 A ' V 0 Y A G È T O
C H A P . XIX.
From Timor to Batavia.
Auomt. QM Coupang,; we fleered N W by W, having anaodep
----- '— ~J i ratebr^eze E with fair wether.
Saturday zz. Saturday the aad, At, day-light, we faw the ifland Flores
to the northward. At noon, latitude obferved 90 zf? S^stnd
longitude by account, from Coupang, 2" io" W. Our’dif-
tance from the eosifl o f Flores was about' 10 leagues; and
two high-peaiked mountainsbore N IftWv
Thefe two mountaihs referable each othar; in fhape, and
the weftemmoft is a volcano. The interior parts o f Flor-eS
are mountainous and woody:-but hear thefea-cOaftrs a
fine; open country. A Dutch map* wkh.which I was prop
vided, places the fcu&fa part o f Fiores h r w h i c h ; l am
o f opinion is too far fbhth., We fleered along the -fcutib
fide of Flores, moftly with light winds and hazy'iw.eather»
fo that we did not Conftantly keep fight of- the coaft.
Taefflay ij. Tuefday the 25th. At noon,-we were off Tom®# Ifland,
which hore N W by N, three or four leagues diftant. Our
latitude obferved, was 8° 57' S, and longitude made by
dead reckoning from Coupang, 3° 27'W. Toorns ifland is
about four leagues in circuit, and has a craggy and uneven
appearance. There is a curious high peak on the S W part:
the.fend.;near the fhore is low and woody.
§ On
" T H & S O U T H S E A'S, '&c. 247
• On the 27th, at noon, we were near, the entrance o f the 1789.
Straits of Mangârÿn,- which not appearing fo open and . _T>
clear as reprefented in the map, I fleered for; the Stmts Tiu*f<ky vp.
of S^pi, intending to pafs thröhgh? bor was obliged to
give up this plan, b y cftrong currents, fetting tb the §E,
'VThicb. thereVv&s not ffafficfait Mud to* enable us to ftefitt.
I therefore = again- flood for the Straits of Mangat ÿh, ri
which we ran through in the afternoon of the içttav being Saturday z&
favoured with a freiffo breeze from . On 0®r firft
entering the ftraits, wë ' got * «lofe to the Flores fliore :
cw eourfe- through w a s - iil EF We toed for foundings,
but eouM -not apy where find bottom aft 25 and 30 fathoms
depth. On thé Flores fide, there- are many good, harbours
and bays, where vdffefe iftay anchor -, but tfee-feorastfy hereabouts;
appears. bnrM up and defetee.
I had no 'SEimuth-eompafsy and <$imfequently could- riot
©bferve vary accurately the .variation but I believe there fe
fo- little i» Mangaryn Straits, that -no greae err’or’ will be’ #
oeeafioned by /^smâd'èô^füie true and magnetic' bearing#
tube the fame.
When* We had paffedi the flradesy we kepc to tbe weft*
wardv Funning afongjthe north. fidgipfs thMÉhö<^fflffifoawa*
where there fei;# very'ttghmwntaip near the coaft ;. at the .
foot of which, I » informed,. are many rMst©iig@®n Water;
;cô»vCTiénff?f fittwtad'.'fiir fhipss to^fiuppiy thetafefeiéâv - -The
■ latitude o f the.north:part, of SumbaWa; F taake, b y ob'fer*
vations-and. bearings,-, tb'he 8-:® % which. differslyhry httle;
from the Dutch; eharts.'-
In the night of the- 31ft, feveral ptoWs’ were rowing' about Monday s R
•us,-on which aecoxtn^'we kept .alii, night under aarnsî df
Thurfday the 3d. 'This and the two following; d'ays,. we Wptbm-
were failing dong the; north fide o f the ifland Loihbodc, on Tha^ ÿ