Monday n .
Tuefday 12.
Monday the n th . Ip the morning at day-break, I feryed'
to every perfon a tea-lpoonful of mm, bur limbs: being fo-
crarpped that we could fcarce move them. Our fit-pat ion
was novv; extremely dangerous,, the fea frequently running
over our fiern, which kept, us baling; with .all out ftrength.
At noon, the fun appeared, which gave, u>g -as much
pleaftire as in a winter’s day ip England. I hided the 5,5th
of a pound“'OfT)fead> a®d of 3 pint of water, as'
yefterdtay« I^titpdt pbfefved 14* jo' S courfe Nc f 1°: W,
diftance 102 miles ; and- longitude, b-y account, 39' W
from Tofoa.
In the evening itratped hard, and we again experienced
a dreadful night. At tength the day came, Add fhewed
to me a. miferafele fet p f beihgp». fad. of waits, without
any thing to treheye them. Borne complained of great
pain in their bowels, and levery ©ng p f having alfflvft
Ipft the ofe of his limbs. The little flpep we gof-was no
ways refrcfhing, as we were covered with fea and rain.,
I ferved a- fpoohful of rum ofa day-dawp, and the u&ial
allowance of bread apd water, for hmaklaft, dinner, and
. At noon it was alraoft calm, no fun to befeen, and feme
o f us ftuvering with cold. Cowrie fince yefeerday W by .M*.
diftanqe 89 miles; latitude, by account, 14° 33' S lo n g itu d e
made 13° 9' W. The direction of our courfe was to pafs to,
the northward of the New Hebrides.
The wet weather continued, and in the afternoon the
wind came from the fouthward, blowing ffefli m fqualls.
As there was no profpefl of getting our 61otb.esdried,
I recommended to every one to ftrip, and wring, them
through the fait wafer, by which means they received a
warmth, that, while wet with rain, they could not have.
I . This,
This afternoon, we faw a kind of fruit on the water,
which Nelfon told me was the Barringtonia of Forfter;
and,, as I law the fame again in the morning, and feme
men Of war birds, I was led to believe that we were not far
froth land. '• • . • &
We continued conftantiy ihipping feas, and baling, and
were very wet and cold in the night; but I could not afford
the allowances f rum at day-break.
Wednefday the 13th. At noon I had a light of the fun,
latitude i 140 17' S ; fcourfe W by N 79 miles j longitude
.made 14° M W. All this day, we were conllant ly Ihipping
watery and fuffered much cold and Quiverings in the night.
Thurfday the 14th. Frefh gales at S E, and gloomy weather,
with rain, and a high fea. At fix in the morning, we, from S W by S eight leagues, to N W by W i W
fix leagues, which. foon after appeared to be four illands,
one of them much larger than the others, and all of them
high, and remarkable. 1 At noon, we difeovered a fmall
illand and feme rocks, bearing M W by M. four leagues, and
another1 ifland W eight -leagues, ifo that the whole were
fix in number; the four I had firft feenhearing from S f E
to.. S W by S •; bur diftance three leagues from the neareft
ifland. My latitude'obferved was 13° 2,9' S, and longitude,
by account, from Tofoa, 15° 49' W ; courfe fince 'yefterday
noon N 63° W, diftance 89 miles. At four in the afternoon,
we paffed the wefternmoft illand.
Friday the 15th. At one in the morning, another illand
was difeovered, bearing W M W, five leagues diftance, and
at eight o’clock we faw it for the laft time, bearing N E
feveu leagued. A number of gannets, boobies, and men of
war birds were fecn.
■ Thefe illands lie between the latitude of 130 16' and
B b || 140
Thurfday 14;
Friday 15.