friday 16.
more moderate than it had b eenfof foite'days paft, Oree-
pyaK failed'with two canoes For Tethuroa. Solhe bu'firiefs
prevented Moanriah from accompanying him, but he followed
the next day1 with two'Other cafibes. ; The wood
?t te f we had got at Matavai beifigv expended, f applied;to
•Tin ah, who fent three trees'down to the' Water fide-before
night, which when cuf upmade a gbo'd-launch fokd.
I faw twoTdtencesbf jealoufy fO-day, one Of which t e d
'nearly produced fatalconfequehces. A man wag' detedte’d
with a married Woman, by the hulband, who ftabbed.him
in the belly with a knife: fortunately theinteftiftes efcaped,
ahd the wound did not ■ pfove dange'fOus'. The other iri-
’ftanSe wasV a girl^ who hadf GontenTiy-teed w ith -Ay cox?
Twain, beating another girl,-that Ihe dilbbvered to have beeh
too intimate with hitti. t
In walking to-day with Tinah hear a Tupapow, I was
‘Inrpfiireddjy?a fudden outcryhfigx4bf:;,5''’As laexpfetedWlde-
tee^FTeWthe diftfefiSd^peiTOhl^hiM'tbokKdfe te teh placed
where whffiundahumhehof womeh/onbMtehemwasthe
mother o f a young female child that lay 'dead. On feeing
'■ us their mbiirnirig hot hilyfiflimediarel^cllIid|?bpt;*o my
affonilhmeht, they all burft into an immoderate ifit of laughter,
and, whilCwefemarhed, a^peafed? much diverted- with
our vifit. I told-Tiriah the woman had no’ forrow’ fofrher
‘ehild, btherWife her grief would not have-' fo eafily fhbfid-
e d ; oil which he joeofely told her to dry again •; they did
iBit, however, refiiime their mourning in our prelenee;:/ This
ftrknge behaviour would incline us to think: them hard-
hearted and unfeeling, did we not know that they are fond
parents, and, in general, very affectionate : it is therefore to
be aferibed to their extreme lenity of dilpofition ; :arid it is
probable, that death does not appear to them with fo; many
terrors, as it does to people of a more ferrous caff.
- Sunday ^received a^eflage. &om Poeenoj-to
'acquaint merthatihe-hjad been -fugGe,fs|ful in his negotiation >— v—->
fqr-the hull, which-he hacl'driven part of the way hy(land, Sunday 18.
but could not gqt farther, on, account »of the rivers, and
therefore deffred5,teat hofe^t-jfpr him. I accprdin^
y/ordered the-laryrch toh^got ready,; aqdahtwo o’clock
the next morning, Mr. Fryer,.thq mafter, fetroff in her.. - Monday 19.
In the afternoon,* the -launGh.returne^with the hull, and
upy:'frieted®^en%>ifFor;tih-e night that the bull
fliould remain-ah Oparre, and the next, , d|y hy-\yas taken
to the’cow, at Matzah < - > ^ ,-•* , f ,v*. ( ’ r\i ' n,:
Wednefday the ?ift.-^o-d,ay,Poeeno brought’to nje thy
perfon from whom he had the bull, tpjreceijje thy ftipulated
(payment, which wasjone of every article of traffic, tjiat I, had
-in; my pofiel^ipn. -This manj-whofy pweevye,
they told mg* w?i?'!ihfp^re^ bysaffivine fpirit '».'and that infalL
-matters o f seonfequ’epce he was- confulted, for that he, ppm-
■ vepfed \vithr thq Eatua. ■ It was, they, faidj the Eatua t-hat or-
-dpred; himj(tOjdemand «the- bull ,from. Tinah, which fibt.jto
-haye^Gomplreclj With, - would have been tjae, height of.fim-
piety.- I endeavoured to«* convince them of the rogyery
ofjthis many thinking-I had, a fair, argument tp, prove it
hy-diis felling- >that whjph the Eatua had ordered him to
keep; buthere I wa%eafily defeated, for it feems.the Eatua
-told him tofell/me the beaft.o Thisthping;|the,cqfe, t faid, I
,would!-pot, give the animals, to any perfon \ .that tpey-Were
■ jaoWttnirle, and that I- would leave them -uftper. the prQtppr
,tion qf Eoeeno and fT^ah, who I hoped wo.pld .take camof
them for me till I returned. / They both entered into, my
views, aird-promifpd the animals fhould be^ttended to, and
told me,-that) while they ,were eppfid^ed-^s,
no one would attempt to .take them, away.