«78*- out young fbocjts. Nelfbrt thought that it -was llettef’ to
i - refrain a- few days from taking them on hoard ; I therefore
confented to defer fit. 'HOWas- 6f opinion that ’the1 plants
could be propagated .from:i the foots only, ;arid Idfi^Sfed
foine boxes to be filled,: as1 we 'cOttld flow thena #hdre ilo
others could be placed.
Tnefday 9. This aft©rnctonf.in*haulirig*fchelaunch'on fhdfe'to be repaired,
many-of the natives affifting, one o f them;’a fine boy
aboutteh ydir§; bldyvVas thrown down, arid: a-r^lfer Which
was placed under the boat went ■ 'over him. The- fergeOn
beingill, i fentof f for his-affiftant. Fortunately no' Jiihb
Was- broken, nor did hhfeceiye any material injury. - The
fufgeon had been- a long rime ifi,-thhe^ISfc dffhteftiperahee
arid iridolence. He - had latterly fcarpe; ever ftirred-orit o f
his Cabin, butwas not apprehended to- be ima dangerdhs
ftate; neverthelefs, -this evening'he appeared to
much worfe than ufual, that it Was thought neceffary to
remove-him to fome place where he couhi Have- iriore air ;
but to no eflfe<ayfor he died iri*#n hrittr -afterwards. This
unfortunate man drank very hard,.and was fir aVerfe to
exercife, that he never would be1 prevailed on to take half
a dozen turns Upon deck at a time, in the WhoIeeQurfe of
the voyagehh
Wednefday . As I wiihed tobury the firrgeon oh Ihore, I rherifioned
it to Tinah; who faid there would be no obye&iony but that
it Would be neceflary to aik his father’s confent fifft;
which he undertook to do, and immediately left me for
that purpofe. Ey this"circumftance it appearsj; that though
the elddl fon of an Earee fucceeds to the title - and honours
of the father as foon as he is born, yet a confide-
rable portion of authority "remains with the father, even
after the fon is of age. When Tinah returned, 1 went
with him to the fpot intended for the burial place, taking
3 1 _ 1 ' 1 | m I with
with us two men -to'dig thé- gyave y bn o-tjr ■ arrival, I D
found the Natives had? already begun it. - Tinah aiked me, if »
they were doing fight jjj| ‘ p There,” lays he, ‘ frth£ fun rjfes,.
and there it fets.lt * The idea that thq grave iihojrid be eaft
and weft,.idmagjne:thpyrfear®tTr|!Pli^hex,fP^niards#r;^ the.
captain o f bne of their -jhigs,: W»s. buried at Oejt-fpfb^-ia
1774. Gfertain it itó tW - had n<& frppi
any body belonging to piir ihip fer,hb^lfeve- w e fhould
not have thought of ifd The- gffave) h&wmm* m * narked
out very- .exactly. At four .in tf1® bpdyvwu*
interred.: the c-hiefayand many o f t^‘^!n.atjyes,ip | p ?
the .§erenaany, and ihewed gj-gjat ,at|ei>ti°P dufing.yhe feFi
vioea Some of the chiefs were, very j U f w h a t
was toyb,e; done with the feKgeonVtPabhij/pnsapQG^in^j of apn
paridons'. They feid, when a ma%dieddfl-Qtahedte, and was?
carried to the Tiapapow, that jfecfoG# as pègbï ^
furrounded by fpiritsy and i f >any perfen wepf thpre<-hy?h.icn-
felf-they would.devour hirasi.therefe;thgy faid'that nqtlefs
than two-people together fhould go- int^tbe furgpou’s eg-
bin for feme time. - I did nofcj&ndf^uyTo diffuad>,them
from this belief, ptherwife than by laughing,-and- lettipg
them know that we|h»d nO'fach appiëM,ènfions: .
In the afternoon, the effens o f tbp‘ dyfï»fed wepe difpofed
of,-and I appointed Mr. Thomas'‘Depman Ledward, the
furg^op’s mate, to do duty as furgeon. ,
1 wènft|ia „a boat to-'exarnine:the harbour,sMbriht Oparre, ' 'Fri<hy
and fdupd two formed by the hfef s.The. wèfterhmoft is
the molt-Convenient for-failing in or out* butiM not well
flickered from a N W wind-or fea.^-r|bis harbour is <|alfed .
byljhe natives Taowne a league ,and » half
diftant-" from Popit Venus, and may be* kriown b y a f®1-
markable -mountain, called by the natives Wawry, which
- hears S S E from’the entrance.