104 A V O Y A G E T O
1788. The eafternmoft harbour-iS called' Toahroah. It is fmall,'
d;»c8mber. ^ut as fecure as a 'reef harbour can be.' Kds about
three miles diftant from Point'VeriuW^TKe chief objection
to this harbour is' the difficulty of getting out with
the common trade wihd, the' entrahc'e .-being on .the eaft
fide, not more than one hundred-'yards Wide, and the depth
without, inconvenient for warping* On the 5 fouth)fide,\qf
the entranee-4 s- a'Morai: the reef fide isrtd'be kept on
board, and a look-out to be kept fronx/kloft, whence the
ffioal water Isbettetdiieerhfefl than froth the deck. jj£j
Sunday 14. jjj This forenoon,Jw-e perforn&ed;divine -ferVice. Many of
the principal natives'attended, and behavedr with great
decency.- Somebf the Women"at One time.'betrayed an inclination
fo laugh'at our general rbfpQhfes;3'tmtj op. mV
looking at them, they appeared much alhamed. After the
fervice, I was alked if -no "offering was to|5e' made forthfe
Eatua tb- eat.' |
Thu weather had been fair all the laft week,, and^at tljis
time appeared quite fettled ; fo that I w as- under-no apprb-
henficgis of danger from continuing fa little longer in'.Mi-
C H A P.