j wife. fhould go, w ith me to'England. He iaid he would
•—-v— j only take ; two fervants; thathemucfewiftiedto fee King
(Beorge, who, be was hire, .would he glad to fee trim«
Tinah arid mahy o f Ms countrymen were-became ex~
tremdy eager tQ gey a knowledge o f other; lepuntises, and
were continually enqumng:f,ab©uit the j fituatiom-ofi the
iflands which we told them of in thefe feas. To Unlit his
importunity, 1 was obliged to promife, that I would alk the
king’s? fpermiffion to caiwy them to' England, i f I cairn
again? that then I MoiiM be in a larger fhip, - and Could
have .accommodations properly Sited up. I was ferfy to
find, thatTinah was apprehenfive he Ihould be attacked b y
his: enemies, as feon as our fhip left Otaheit^ and that i f
they joined? they would be too powerful fo rhin h 'The
ifinefs of Teppahoo, with whom hewaSon gOod terms, gave
him ffiudh uneafinJefs; TsppaltoQhwlfe feeteg%»fifter^P#
QterWs and: ^ant toiTiaab. -They hay© no? ehSMifeaimls^ha^
been hefiareirdated? ^nd if T ejpahfe weteto dle^fee would
he Mueeedfd? asJBaFee o f the diltri£t of Tettaha, by hiibro*-,
ther, who feiah enemy to Tinah. I'have- on d¥er^: Defeat
finnr endeavoured to iriafee the^piinc%aljpedpl^hdieve'ithat'
we fliould return againito ©t?iieiter that Wulheukt
Kwi^gh/wngedtijteiry done
Mstavai and Oparfe,
The mfe; vof Oedidee is fikewife yMahrif^'d Tinah,
md fitter to ©tow, His safiye pf^e 4s IMttea,'whejle-ho5
has; fame property ? fcat« wtaddh, Hftna^fej' is hPf 'fef Tufh
confeqwehce to him asjtbe OOuntenaifee o f the 'UfiKfs* 'With
whom he is connected at Otaheite.
C H A P .
&f<S H A (Fr. I X.
*fhe Ship's Cable cut iq the .height.— Goolmfs faith the Chiefs,
, ofu that, Account.-—Viftt fo^an old’ Lady.—Diftujrb’a'nce at
-q. Hemet.—Tinqh's. Hofpitality.— A ffimwi tdkeny and, puÉ
%yfced.^T?repayatiM,s for failing.
I>W M S . prèfent,; this afternoon, at a? Wréfltiiig match, 13*9.
whe»è aiyonng man, by an unlucky fail, ptit his arm TZBR”Altr.'
out of joint at . the elbow : three ‘ftoüt men immediately Tuefdsyj.
took ;hoM pf him, and two ofthOto fiklög thèif feét
againft his ribs, replaced it. 1 had feht for our' ïhfgéori, btit
before he arrived, all. was web, except a fm&ll fWeilihg- Of
the mufetes, iti confequencö o f the ftrain. I enquirëdi What
theyWoultb have done i f the bone had been broken; And,
to ihew mb their practice, they go# a/ number of flacks
and: placed; 'found a nsanfs arm, which tfe|Bi®iéid With
cord. That they, have cönfidörablè- ffcill' in ftitgeify is- nbt
to be doubted. 1 havé before mentioned an ihftihce of an
amputated arm hpng pèrfei&ly.' healed, and
eyefy appearance o f having been treated* With great? propriety!'
The part of the beach nearètt the fhipj Was' bócotiië the
generalplace of relbrt towards the clo'fe Of "thé day. An
hour before fun-fet, the inhabitants- began1 to colle<3 , and
herb they ; amufed? thetnfeïves with e'Xerciftng the Iddcé,1
dancing, and various kinds o f merriment, tiff nearly! darkj;
when they retired to their*hoiöëS.;! Of this ej^efful fcèhé,ï
we Were fpeétators and partakers,- e^èry finë-eVèmög*
R 2 , Friday