178^ *f make ufe o f their muffeits:; ytk i f they have pi-iSols* they
JAMA**.' <f Hiaf do tni&hieft even while they Site held.” I quieted
then apprehenfiofts, by affuriagthem, that «he deferters
had ltd piftois with theta.
Tuefiky 6. At day-light, Oreepyah and Moariiiah fet off in two canoes
for Tethwoai brn: the Weather became ih boiiJeM.wsV iffilat
they Were dhiiged to f-eturh in the forenoon, and t #as
happy to foe tbein gSt-fafe in* ’as-the fob ran .Jvci-y h ^ h
without the harbour. From the hr® &f :fhl§ ffipiMi, thi:
■ weather and winds hadbeen muchunfetlled, with a great
deal- of rain. -Oar former ff atlofo aft MatsVbi sppdamf not
i t allfafo, the ifea at tithes breaMhghigh over the OoipMh
b»rifc, and making a great fwdi in thfeibay. ©foepyah and
Moannah both pfomifed me, that they would fa'fl #gai& it#
fbon as the weather fhould fee-fone.
Pnday 9. The Wind concihued'fo blow f o t f t i g bt though in thd
harbour wrhad* at times* but ligfetbf eehCS. W ^M ^ reh i
Matawaij ieafoetbfoe me t»-di*y : h e ^aid^ b e ’^ fe ’g|Spi6-
heafive thaft I w&s difpleafed W i t h b u r
deferte^s having been earned to tFethh^oa,%y ubShOefrOm
Matayai.' Thiij b e declared, feM
heardrofitfoaisd that the o ily fe twice in hite pdWer,hehad
uot ndgie£^dtodob)r me, whfch wte ihd^tehab^dufbbat
back-.- As this was really an a& \&ihhn,
With great cordiality; and he affured the,' that there-could
be no ffoolfo from the dshefiteon's Tihah had’'gfveh, o f the
deforters being brought m the flaip, 4s feon as’the weather
would mlmit canons togo after them»
Saturday h>. ©He ofthe officers, tMs morning, mi Shore, inadvertently
plucked. a branch from a tree called Tutuee, that bears
the bil rlht, which was growing at a-Morai. On entering
with it'im® the ■ htmfe occupied by our peOpl^lff&Le-
4 ' natives*
natives, both 2 ; away. mb*
When l went opihpre, J fpuhd this branch t;ed to one o f
the polls o f jtfhe; hpufe, although the pffe£t i,t had-on the
natives w$s kaapwri. I ^ys muqhdifpleafe^a^thSsjplece of
want'QUuef^, ^ndprdeipd the branch to bet?k©q away; but
the hotqpnfy? near the place.
They fgid tjhe h-opfe Was tflfyQnwiiiph l upderftand tp fignjfy
intëBdiö;ed,; and that pope pf them plight approach fo'dll
the, mfyo was-tafeppvoifjt wh¥?h ispfod.pfoy he 4p®$ by Ti-
inah. To take, any thing away from a Aforai is regarded as
a kind offoraffege, ; apd, they helieveb '^Yes great offence tp
the 'Eatua. At mysb'fhsft» Tfoah took off the .taboo, but
not before the afternoon. This w^speifoqmed by an offering
mb a plantain fcaf at foe iforai, and a prayer made
to the Eatua. After this ceremony, the houfe was reforted
b’4 s'- i ,*i
I -had not yet jgivep up fop hope of obtaining the bull
from ittreh. fopugh J hadhifherto fteqeiyed no fatisfa&ory
-anfwer to the naeff^es-whieh I w h had fept at : Jtherefoceiiioke
:to Ppepno, whP undertook.tp-negotiate th^
buhnefs, ;and 1 comi^iffi^ed-hitfi to naake wepy liberal #
fors. l ie left: me after .dinperj, sfo return to ^atavai. ■ In the
rkyrem fai gr- a.meffenger arriyed-from hÏPbto gequai^.t me»>thaV
inhis.ablenQeithe fhesp whioh ïhad^fte#fo!
-heenMlledhy a dog .; and that he had fent the ,cplj«:it, hopr.
img that hwbhld kill h? had pppamitted,.
This pooriheqp hadbeentlb b-Pf
helpifufpeiStingihe died whhPiuf the vdogls :an4
that the ftory ©f the dög iwas inyquted to ©fovent my ^tr
tribufing iit fo >want of'c^re, iGhisidpubt .# 4 —0t
immy anfwer; as for the, dbg, I fold #be fob^engqr fo 4?
with :him! what :heipleafed. • ; i 4
Tuefday the J^th. This morning, the^y^^ther heipg Tuefiky i3,
q $ ‘ more