Monday 7.
provided an' equal number o f: gums were: to ’be returned';
but* as I received' an extraordinary anfwen to this part of
my meffage, purporting, tihat bis excellency didinpt return
the -fame number, but to perfons equal in rank to bimfelf,
this ceremony was emitted. . < ,
t During .this interval Iwasv if ited.' by the port-mailer
;(Oapfej Adams)- and fhortlyLafterwards ieyefalsofficersjcame
on board, from his excellency, to.-compliment me on ,my
arrival. As fopn as thedhip was moored, I went on ihore,
andipaid my refpfe&s to .ham, j
0 n Monday .morning'1 begin tojfairward; the (hip’s hufir
nefe with the ntmoft diipatcK,, and.gaverthe necefTafy
'fattSx&ife; cofttradfors, for
the fupplies 1 waited. J alfo igot.leave o f zthe^governor for
Mr. Nelfon to rangeThe. hills*land examine :the country in
Search of. plants and natural curiofities. .
As there was; a great furf on. the. ihore, I .bargain*
ed fyci every thing I .wanted*'to be brought ~off .by.the
Ihore. boats, and agreed, to give' five ihillingSi per ton for
water.. Very good wine-.was., bought at ten'pounds per
pipe, the contract .pried!; hut the diiperipr quality „was
fifteen pounds; andforoe of this was nofnvuch inferior to
the heftLondon Mideirgir—I- found; this .whs. an unfaliour.-
able' feafion for other refreihments : Indian corn, potatoes,
pumpkins, ^pd 'iopiQns', were all ;very . fcarce* and double
the price of what they are in fomnier. Beef aMo was difficult
to be procured, and exceedingly poor; the price nearly
fix pence farthing per pound. The corn was three current
dollars per fanega, which is full five, (hillings per buffid-;
and bifeuit at twenty-five (hillings for the hundred pounds.
Poultry was foj fearee that a good fowl cull three fhillings.
This is, therefore, not a place for ihips to expert refreihments
meats at a reafonable price at this time of the year, wide
excepted>^^iih from„March to NovenfoerTuppiies are pleq- ,--- ,— _i
trfpi, particularly: of sjfoich at; this tim&pccould pro-
|qre hon^e^pt.^few dri^l dipme bad oranges.
. Durfoappp (lay, here, the weafheir pas fai^f^h^1 N. E Nauucai Rewinds
^i^c^^lahd/finail irillling.fcain in the night. Tfie : mar \
thqrmofoefor* from(,66° foadef | I could
make' .n&|lupar obfer^^yiSrfor frke dqngipj4 g’{ ffi11 b.Y
help* of the [t-ime-beep||f I haye, computed the fituation of
the tpwn^qf Santa jCruz^tah^iio. 2fbN latitude, and 16 18 .
W longkudg. eb^eEved; the vvariation tby jtwo compafies
Wr-b thavmtic >|kat } Gqpld.haye.
imagined ; l Jar,N in -I4° &0' ^ 5. a .
ddleieiicq elevep iyearsy./and.
mhkfeSj.riie iefled qp theuncertainty pfodSeuning the-exia^
dfivia^i-on^bf -the fo^gnetic pole,, ando|, courfej .hst.annualj
variation, ydfiqh neper cap be accurately a%rtained, unlefsi -
th p tf&fery atipn&’^e' made. d\Rays|hi, qnp-.'lRpt, and with the
Teneriffo, thoqgh’^pfideriahly gfithout, the tropic, is fo
nearly within rhe‘*lirnip‘ pfthe tpde lvind,' that navigators
generally ftcerto it from the eaftward. The road,pf,,Santa
■ Idr allies cin th,e ea£t*fide oj IhC ifiapd, ,at |fjp pnd x)/.a rapge.
^ T r ^ g y ’'hi-fis^ hafren and vejcyf lofty p alpfig^wlpph you
faih-'W-hyS -hyjcpnspafs into thefoadfw
able until near the £ho|e: Th e .aiichorin^'gfphnd may be
accounted from fifty fathoms to twenty, or even .fifteenf -
The hank is, very fteep, and gives hut little time .to found4
for which reafim it fhould be-dope effeaually with a heavy
leader ;■£ fli-ip^wilh.^e- toVrtihar he|q|e. a, ftrangpr,- is
aware of(jafi: he, will likewife ;toQ faqpj ppea, tp _ find
bottom, owing to the great deception- of the adjacent high |
d " " ‘ “ ' land.