1789- "
O c t o b e r .
Friday 2.
Taefday 6
to Mr. Van Efte. So attentive had they been at Timor- to
every thing that related to us.
There is a large hotel at Batavia, fitted .up purpofely for
the accommodation of ftrangèrs, who are not allowed to
refide at any other place. It is fituated. near the great
river, in a part o f the city that-^.reckoned thel moft airy
and healthy. Nevertheless, I found the air hot and fuffo-
cating, and was taken ill in the night with a. violent pain
in my head. The next mornings at nine, the council fat,
and I attended, accompanied by the Sabandar; and was in*
formed that the council had complied with all I had re-
When I returned to the hotel, my head-ach increafed,
and a violent fever came on, I feat to acquaint the Saban-
dar of my fituation, and was foon after attended by the
head fuigéott o f the town hofpital,' Mr. Aanforp; by whofe
care and fkill, in left than 24 hours, the fever confide rably
abated, bntj.-fovefe head-ach continued. Ï had an invitation
from the governor-general to dine with him; which,
of cotttTe, I was obliged to decline.
I hired a Carriage, which toft three dollars -per day, for-the
benefit o f taking an -ailing. My lodgings at the -hotel were
fo dofe and hot, that I defieed therSabandar to apply*?® the
GovernorGeneral, for leave to hsrea houfie in the country 4
which teqrrefthis excellency not -only immediately complied.
with, but gavedireStion-s for my being accommodated- at the
höïlFeof the phyfician or fisrgeoa-general, Mr. Sparling.
One o f m*y people, Thom&s Hall, being ill with a flux, I
obtained Shave for him to be Pent to the country hofpital,
Which is a -convonient airy building.
T uëfday the btb. This morning, at fun-rife, 1 left the
hotel, and ‘was 'carried to Mr. Sparling’s houfe, aibout four
-4 . : miles
-miles Jfliftant from the city,' and near the •Cönvatefce.nt hof-
tpital, 'Wbidh-at this time had alfo.ffick .men in it, the Whole /°CT0BE*'
-n-uteb'ér o f patients amounting, t© -§o®. Ï ' found' every
thing ‘ ’prepared l for my comfort1 and «convenience/ Mr.
fuffer ihe to take no medicine, though I
(had -ffili Gonfiderahle fever with' head-ach: but I found fo
much 'relief ’from Bhediderenbe iof the air, that in the evenin
g If wa$able»VO .accompany. Mr. .Spalling' oh a vifit töthe
•govern^r-gew&ral, at.;one ;j©£ his ‘country -feats«;' Where we
Pound imany -ladies, -all drdfired in -the Malay falhionpfome
of them richly ©rn amen-tëd >with -j eW-Cls . | I had invitations
from fêvëral gentlemen, and feme very k-iodly-preffyd me ■
to tnahe'-their mount ry houfes m y ab0de', #ll my’ health
feiould -be re*efthböflaed.
-My indifpofition imereafing, Mr. 1 Spalling' advifed me Thurfdays.
to quit Batavia-as' fpeedily as poflible,'and reprefented - the
neMffi%y^of ut to'vthe goveamobgcneFah Jl was informed
from this *ex<©glen|||that '-the homeward-hound blips fw§i*e
Pbrnuch.crowded, that1 there -would be nogbfirbilky op-all
my people going in one fhip, and that théy could he aeéohi-
modated no other way thanhy dividing them into different i
fhips. Seeing, therefore, that -a reparation was. unavoidable,
I determined to follow the advice of tliè p'hyfiórarï,
and, as -a packet was appointed to Pail- for Èn-rOpe en thè
hetallowedt o: take.a paflage -in her for rnyfelf, and aS-many
of^m^Feo©lelasP?theylwei.etiab^ P g# ^ give. 1 In anPwer -to
-this;, I was-hequainted that myfelf and two mbré-con-ld %è
accommodated in the - packet, fhe being too imall to ad-
mit a greater number j but that I might reft; afliired of paf- '
ifages i'being tprnvidedhf©r«| thofe^IthatiM^aamed, by .the
earlieft opportunities.