5« A T t ) Y A - G E T O
,7ié. ïteiity, and atdatf-ïight,,we faw the natives with otrrglaffes.
8*>£“: ■ wftf ek’peroed they would come rohnQ ^ö'tiSj^ï^êdtóïned aÜ
»— -v— -> the föróirèbh. near the wooding and watering parties, mak-
ihg'ohferVatiórfs, the morning being very favöuraMé för that
purpófe. I 'W#s, höweVer, difappointed fn my conjecture,
fok the naÜvésÜid hot appear, and there was töo great a furf
for a bbtft to land oh the part where We had fëèh them.
ToeHay i. ï k e nitivhs nót Coming rieai5 ps/ 1 determined to go after
‘them, and we Tet out, in a'boat, towards Cape Frederick
Tfgnfy, ■ hhere we arrived about eleven O’clock. I fohnd
lahdirtg inipraétióable, and therefore came'to a grapnel, ki
■ hOpOs1 of fhëir cOniirig To5; !hs^ fpr had paled feveral
IfiféS. After Waiting'near an hour, .Iwas fiirprifed to fee
“NdlfOn’s affiftant cöme out o f the wood: he had wandCrèd
'thus -far ih fearCh ó f plants,and told me that he had mót
with Mn^óf the natives. Soon after we heard theirWöidês
:like!iKe^chcilirig óf geëfé, andftWehtyperfons came out'df
;èheVöód,itw^%.pf ’whóm went round tömmefp<3lsj,-^hefe
■ the boat !cóüld^et1 nearer to the fhore than we then Were.
Thofe 'Whb t-emained behind were women,
ivb ‘approached within
■Was 'riö poflibility of lahding, and I cohld* Only throw fc>
‘th é ^ihthey tied u p 'in paper/rajef|kefénts'yfhidh I intëridfd:
■ for thèfcn. I ffiówed the different articles- as 1 tied them
up, but they would not untie the pdpér tilld ‘made an appearance
of leaving them. They then opened the pareeft,
and, as they took the articles out, placed them On their
heads. On feeing this, I returned towards them., when
they inftantly put every thing out óf their hatöïs, and
would not appear to take notice of any thing that . We;had
given them. After throwing a fèw paore beads and nails on
öiore, I made figns for them to go to the ffiip, and they,
T M . r S , Q i U , T <H . S , E f A S * S e e .
likewife?; TQfidf. tigns for me to land; bu^as,|his.cpipd.i30t
h e ^ ^ e O '^ ' t i i c i i a , ’ in. Hopes o f a ^ a r e ; interview at
twat er i ng Pla^. J; kWra i&M X 1 . . r
Whentbdr earned figh^.they made'a prod||ipps
.and.h^d t t o '.a j^ s over, their
heads. They, ^po^e ,fcj qjaip^, that 1 could .not catch, one
W iV y i 4 t t e uttered. We. r^ol3e£ted one. man, whorp
had formerly*,,feen apipng t;he party of the natives
thafeame to us in vfTj\ and who is"particularifed iptHe account
of Captain book’s la ft^ o y ^ , |or H is Rumour and
tlpfnj-mhy, Some, of tpem had a fmall nick, pwd or three
feet,-long? ip .thqir bauds,r but no other' w’|4Pori*
' Theh cdourp as Captain Cook remarks,, is. a dull black:
their ikin is hariped .about their ffibulders and breaff.
They h e re o f a ipi(|dle ftajpre, oy rath,er bekjw^ii;.
<p£ them was diftinguiihed by his bpdy^hfing pcqlpured
-yvith red-bheJV hut all. the qthefs \yere painted: blacky yuth
a kind offupf:, which yas laid on fo thiqhoyer their faces,
and %Dnj.der.s,. that 5 is difficult to lay what they were
like». • . . , tuu • - ; fV «I f fH ' :
They ran very nimbly ^e^rocks^had a very quick
hgpt, and caught the fmall beafls’aqd nads^ wbich Ifhrew tp* J
them, with gre^t dexterity.( They tdk^4 bttingpp.
their heels^ 'vyitp- their knees ,o|pfe i|itp their armpits, and?,
were perie,(9;ly naked? j ..
In my return towards the; ffiip, I lahu^ afc .the pomt.
of the harbopr near ^PeAgyin Ifland^ apd from the hius.
f^w the water oridher other fide pf-.the loyt iftHmus of
Cape Frederick Henry, which forms the bay ^oF that
name. It is very extenfiye, and ip^jxQr nqar, the rnid^febfj
the bay,, there is, afoiy ifland. from this ipot, it^as th^,
appearance of being a very good and convenient harbour.
H z * ^
• BEIL. *