<*Ir7! L . In the m0rniflg 1 i-eturnea TihahYWity for 1- found
i— „— j he expe&ed dt. 'He was in- fmall fhed abdut- a qUaffer
Wegefday ofaimile .to the:- eaftward pf -Matayai poiritr^ith.his Wife
and 'three children, not their ''own, '■ bul Who'They faid
were relations.» Ih * my walk I had picked_u-p. a. nurherpui
attendance,: for, -everymne-1 muftTpllowed .ffne>: fo' that I
had collected fudh 't at ferOu'd', that the hfeat 'was 'learcd
bearable, every. one endeavouring' to- gefta'-look E toftat&fy
their curiofityi: they however- carefully: aVOided:jprkffiBrg'
againft me, and welcomed me with- chearfub countenances,
and greatgoodmature.
I made Tinah underftand, that my vifit-Was particularly
• to him, rand |give him aiifieconfi-Iprefent, .'equal: td the -firft,
which dig xeceived; with gfoafi pleafure-; aftdtb Ihhpeople
, of, conlequence, that were about him, I 'al&*pfefented
fome. article; or, other.’ Thpre were i great> numbers -of
children and,'ra s e .to o k notice j.of the little •’'Ohfes; -that
/ were inarms - and -gave theih dreads;- bothfmall andgrdat,
but .with much-drollery and good^humpUr,' endeavoured
to benefit by the occafiony Boys-o f ten,and’^twelvetyea'fs
old? were:j caught up in arms’ and brought to me,i^hich
created much laughter pcdp .that in a ’fhorfe :time I got
-rid of all I h i t brought dn fhore. ‘
*■ .In my return I called'on Poeeno, and an 'elderly chief,' a
relation of his, called Moannah, the principal men-'oftthis
diftridi, and with wham I judged it my interefb to ^e»©n
good t e rms . I gayeTheni feveral valuable a r t i c l e s s ^ a s
the fituation here was;eligiblef for a garden, I planted melon,
cucumber, and fallad-feeds.; P told them manyjpther
things- lhould he fawn ifor theirufe; and they appeared,
xnuch .ple&led • when they underflood I intended to plant
fuch things as would grow to be,trees and produce fruit, I
faw-large patehgstpfjtobagcof growing without culture, and 1788.
many pumpkin vines.— 1The bread-fruit trees and cocoa-nut ■_ CT0BE
trees at this time were full of fruit.
I went on board to dinner, and Moannah accompanied-
me4$ In the afternoon I returned to Poeenp’s^ with fome
tu itional fee^^P improve, the little.garden 1 had-began to-
make^ijp the,:fpteppon,-WIple I was .givipgj dirediiqn's^ I
received f a i medag .et- from. ^in#hy .inviting (<mp tq come
^ihituf-af- ^Subrother^^ppy^h^l^ci^fp,t{Whfcl^ was near
the beach. At thftplace,! found» a .great number of pep--
pip eoHedled, w h o , a p p e a r a n c e , immediately made
way fpr-in-iQ'df? fit dowp,.by;Tinah. T-he_croud beipg or-
dered to dra$y back, a pieq© q f cloth, abqut tw° y^d§
and fqrty-one yards, ih lengthy was-fpread bn, the:ground
and ^,©ther. piece , of riptji.- was $ brought by Oreepyah,
which he put oyer-my fhouldersyand round my waift, in the
manper,the chiefs are clothed. Two,large hogs, weighing
each.aijqye two hundred poupjls^ and -aquantity of baked
bread-fruit and cocqa-nuts,yyere thendaid’ before me, as a.
■ prefen t, and ft^as.^defired^ to walk from, one .„end of the,
cloth ,fprea4d qnthe ground tp the other, in, the courfe of,
which, Tyo and Ehoab* were repeated with loud acclamations.
This,peremony hemg qnfled, Tinah. defired I Would
ftnd the things on board,- which, completely loaded the boat;
we, therefore, waited till fhe came back, and-.then I.took,
them on. board with, me; for I knew they expected feme return
„—The prefeht which I>m^de qirtbi| pcqaflpp, was equal *
tojany that-I had made before; but I.difcoyered that Tinah,
vyasmot the. fode4propriefor of what he hadgiVen .to me, fpr.
the prefeht I gave^was divided among thofejwho, I gueffed,
1 •* Syo and Ehoah are words o f the fame figiuficatidn; i. it friend.