,yt& tiraee bread*
Novemb»*.. plantwm, add«e<aeoa-amts, flaA^ad brought, as la^pre?
fént. As fhë was fatigued by. her journey, Ibe wiihed to
remain, on boani aS night; and I direéked aoöammodatiQM
to foé prepared, which iwas done ;/with little- trowOble, as jg®*
thing more was neceflary than a mat, and. fome cloth.
fprgad;i@n the-deck.sfSèÈëihsid;.with, herW favourite
bred from ose-t-hat hadj>eèn given her by Captain Qook>
She told me all fche misfortunes that had befallen her fon and
friends, fihce-Gaptain Cook: left Tkafteiteu.' All tkerarimunfs
agree in fome óf the cattle being now alive at the ifland
Eirnep :- in the number <they di f f e rhut that otibere are
Wecteefday I eight, * is the kaft account*' Imthe m©rp,ing) 0Mrree?r$ah
‘f ’ being defirous to go on fiacre,. I made her a piefënf of fev©-*-
ral things, -which fhe djd nohcare <to i$kë with; hen then,
h i t feifuefted that I would ieep. them fafe for her. dQnly
Moannah and Poeeno dined with, me tqpday.; They-bald
me that Tinah and Ms brother Ga®epy ah, werej»t.®ngood
terms together; and it was imagined that they would fight
as foon as the fhip was gone. £ I had obferveda cooihefs
between them, and had at times entteavouiEed to.m&ke
them more cordis, "hut with Very little effect. Their
‘quarrel has arifea from a éifagreement between their
Wives.$ -
In the afternoon, a canoe from Oliefcea arrive^,inTWhich
was an Earee,-br chief, of that ifland, who is a nephew to
OberyebWoah. Ifc brogghtLa flieep with h i^ t^M jto o f
animal was infeóted with the mange, and in very poor
condition. The climate had not,. as -far as; Ï cohid; judge»
altered the quality of the wool, with which he Was well
covered, except'a part about the fhoulders. Timaginethis
animal to be the Englifh ewe ieftfeyCaptaki Cook..'. The
owner affured me that there were ten fheep at Uuaheine 5
ÏWas;ftirpöfed,- and „ j& h .
rlflièf rhottffiedi to f ir id fp thé fet féflttlc Vaïfb bftiirisr as ■_
fo lét'-'rrie’ Mve-if,- at the' fifff' Wdfdy fot a fihall Mm. I
feilt rt to be képt i£ ftóéêhê% -with the helfër.
>"r 'Ffiday.fbeAsth•' TihahUnd'kis,Wffó.re^drAedtöM&t&t'ai, Friday z*.
and, frcfrtf appeal arièës Which f havé hö^èaférï tö rififtfti-ft*
were fineéfely glad ts fee riiéagairi aftér their fhoït abffèrtëës
They, b r p p g h t ,u fp |L a prêfentjof a M g arid M fit.1 This
mbtffing ftiefe Was an èdipfè of the fun,- but theWeather
Was fo cldudy, that f had öriPy* kh opportunity of obfervirig
the? énd of thé eclipfé, Whiela Waf at #
I feflt a mail tb fheat tfie eWe, by Which a fethédy eoqld Saturday 29.
filore^ eafily ^é applied ter efife; fhe! efifeafie4 with which it
Was inftéled I Thé garden1 .fsad^nd^r tM ; tmfsTWaSf riot
in a- pfófperóti^' éoridjfton: iriOft- rif the-melÖriË arid éu$ïüB?id
ber^s Were deftroyed by^infetSfe-; arid the fóil’, feeingfkfMy^
Was not favourable t& the Other ‘feed^. I therefore chefd
ahöïhér fjfet óf grouhd,-farther ftoiri ;tM- féa^fidey ana had
ari affbrirrient of feerfe-fbWn. - d*cems*z.
Öeóember the xft. in thé night, the rtidder 'óf-tefne' of Monday 1.
the boati waè ftoTn thé te&rts.1 Oft' lahding'irr the'
mofhfn'gjheither ‘Tinah nor abyfióf 'family Cathë near
iné,' ÏMngi’ï was mfórnied, aftaiti of rriy difpteafa¥e. As
the lofe was not gfeat, Ï irrimediatfefyTent tdaffri^efherii
tMt1 ï Md rio anger, eüfeepT againft thë-peïfori WMb-eom'J
mitted fhë theft. M ’eonföq4 ëfiëe1 bf1 fhi^ j^Migd| Tiriah
add fome'of thé1 othér chiefs cahife toftM -térifs, -'aiid1- pro-1
mifed; th^:£ they Would e ie ff themfefyefe tb' cfrfc'over the
thief, arid get the rudder reftored. This wasthe fir ft theft,
o f ariyfeöhfeqiïéncé, that hadf,béém com'mittbft fin%e the
tents were on 'fftoyë my. the
people who Were here- from fome of the other iflands. , •
O 2' " ; Tinah :