^ fomewhafc 'MdypandTwMch towards, the top divided info .
« large and? Spreading branches.« The leaves; of this tree ---- ----- 1
*'< grekqf a remarkable* deepgrèèny are notched? about the
| | g M and are*.g#erailfafrpm f foot to eighteen inches
tt in length.? The fruit itfelf .is, found', indifferently oil 'all
■«* pastf^uf -the branches; it ltrfhape*, rather elliptical
« than roufid ? it isi ‘covered* withi a tough rind, a«Ul is ufu-
<« 'ally 'f£ « ïo r . eight inches! lorig’; esfch*of them grows
« fingly,, and, not ih Waters;.|jjThis fruit i&.fitteft to-be ufed
« wben, it is folfegtówri, ikik Vfti&^Eeehl f/in/‘vvtóch * fikte; j
.<« ,afte f it isi pToperlyqffepared' by'heing raafed in 1 the em-
«« bdssj/itS t^fie.ha^>jfoni,erdiftan1%r.8fenab.lance;to that bfi art
^ ‘ fartidholce’s bottotrf, and - itsi texture jjfj not very, different,
« fokit isffdft ?anff fpungy.”' ‘
, Extr-aBs. from tjïe'.accwnt kapiain
^fCook Ha^v-kefWênétl ,
£’ p f e HR SOCIETY {
« TH'E bread-rfruit grows bn at tree thafcas about the fize
ï£ of a middling oak1?. rtÉêa%s | are' frequently a fdó-t arid a
.half lèngy.o f . an oblohg’fhapeydeeply'fmuuted like .thofe
« 'o f th e h g ^ f^ Whipk't^^fefembl^;|n tohfifténce and
u cplour,' and* m tkC exuding o f a Atfhitfc milky j.uke pp°o
«being broken*, ^ h e fruit is about the fize -artd fhap© bf a
«•bhifdV head;| andithe futface?' ife- reticül&ted'not mMi-Uri--
■ f‘ lik e a,truffle : UtNïsfeotftoedrWith thirl ffein, raft'd lias a
«.cqre\aboütr3sh ig ' as the handle'df a fmall'knife-. -Thé
«•eatable £art lies, between the fkin and' the to r e ; it ié as
« white as fnbwi andi&mewhatdf thèi'Gonfiftémëë fff 'netf
« bread r it muföhearoafted beforO it is eaten, being firft
« divided into three or four parts. Its tafte is infipid, with
'•’ ip w C' a « a flighf