eaftyrard» bjiï |ig|[t,- -rtllnisih Thei'fhip
uwhiçh., theitime,-keeper almoft ijivariably, proved to be
owing:to>a çi^rent; ^^gj^ii®bî;e<^afîiigLtbâA the logs
; any eqnrfe; qf former Jhipk
3§-?I: çq^Mj çg^gptçn&y rpake it ; .apdithough wé.made no
new difcowerjgs, .except?the fmall clufter of iflafid§(’heafc
New Zealand, yet; in other parts of the track» as has beep
noticed, y e 'ipet with 'fignstcof being in -the neighbourhood,
o f land» r.
It mpyipofcbprmijivqft0\ys©f?temadrk, thaï îdy-whdlerdift
tance which th e fhip'had rup^ by* th e log, in ; direct ahd[
contrary qourfes, from -leaving -Engjand fo our anchoring k t
Otahqitej-yag tyeptyjfevep tbôufàpd,
which, op an jayerage,; is ; at-the rate -of an hundred and
eight miles pach twenty-four hour.s,,
C H A P .
C H A P. VI.
Account’ o f an from ,OMhfi.te.-*
Death* of, 6m ai^Captdm fooP^f^ure:fM t anMdnd^—
lQtq^AfM^\the viftfrW£tumed,^NaMvss jweth
hudifpiofefa tmard&_ us.WMcatiM\ o ffh ^ a tfi^ lM fir^ €ap~
’ . *iawkofdoo^\^'^reaéifmiM{plmt^ to ittih
JSdrea- Rahie.—Prefects.^nade
T HEfhip being anchored,* our nhmberof vifitofs con- ^178*^
Tapped tq'iëidr^fé ; but 3s‘yef'yte*faW finpyrfon that |__|— „
we couldhècoÜedt: to' haVe^bVen'^of much. ' cohfê^u^dèe. Sunday m:
Some inferior chiefs mSde me y^lfeht^drl7 a few hqgsi and
T made them prefertts in return.' We 'wereTfPpplied' with!
cocda-nuts^ih? great abundance, but bread^feuk,_^è-
‘leSr|e7* * '* ' i | | '
- Mari^enèutfièl^ V é r e made aft dr* Ckptkm; crfoi, Sir
Jofeph Banks,11 and'many “of their former* ‘^ e ^ s . * They'
fai’d a fhip'had txeeü hefe, from which they haddearnt thait
CaptaiP Cook 'waè dead; but the' cifcumdarfcpf Tpf'his,'
‘ dé’a ti théy did not appeared'1'bfe'ac^uaiöfèdJjfritinf; Jand I
had* gi^V'paf^duKr r direction's W rhy bffitery and fhip’s^
company, that they flióüld not.he mentioned/ 'T he fhip
fpoken of, they informed me,, ftaid at OtahHte one month,,
and had been göpé four months, by; feme. Of their' accounts
;; according td others, only three months. The .cap-;
tain they called Tonah. I nnderftood like wife from them,,
' thatt