1789- which is a high mountain. Moft o f the iflands in this rout©
s" i r arc diftinguiihed hy high mountains. Lombock appears
v— > to be well clothed with Wood. In the nights, we .faw fires
upon the high lands, at a diftance from the coaft.
Sunday 6. , Sunday the 6th. In the afternoon, we faw the high land
. o f Cape Sandana, which is the N E part of Java.
, Monday 7. , The next day, we Were off Cape Sandana, which is a low
cape, projedfing from the high land already mentioned.
This cape is placed by the Dutch maps .in 7° But ao-.
cording to my obfcrvation, and our eftimated diftance from
the land, I make it in •f 46' S latitude. The longitude, by
my dead reckoning, from Coupaog to Cape Sandana, was
i i ° 33' W.
. We fleered to the weftward,. along the coaft: of Java;
TbHiflay io. and on the 10th, at noon, we anchored off Paffirarwang,
a Dutch Settlement on the cpaft of Jaya* in two fathoms;
diftant from the ihore half a leagpe;. the. entrance, of
9 the river bearing S W. The coaftr hereabouts' is'ftyfhoal,
that large fhips are obliged to anchor three op four miles
from the land. As loon -as we were. at anchor, I got
in my boat and Went on fhore. ^he. hanks , of the river,
pear the entrance, were mud, on which grew’a few mangrove
bufhes. Among them we law bogs running, and
many were laying dead in the mud, which paufod a moft:
intolerable ftench and made me heartily repent having
come here;* but after proceeding about, a mile) ,up the
river, the courfe o f which was ferpentine,: we found- a
very pleafant. country, and landed at a fmall and well*-
conftruftred fort; where I was: received in a friendly and
polite manner by M. Adrian Van Rye, the commandant.
By the return of the bdat, I fent on board a fmall bullock,
and other provifions. I likewife took a pilot to .conduit
as to Sburabya,
T H 'E -1 s o :g t h
The hoUM-af Paffourwang .are neatly-built, and- the
tlu h tfy appears-fe be wellxultivated. - The produce of this bb*.
fettiement Is rice,’ ofwfiich they export largè|quantities. v- • '
There are hut h e A e Javanefe tare numerous;
and their fchiéf'ltèv^ with, confidérgbleffplendour,
Th^yhaVe goUd.ioM&, ‘and* pofts are eftabliftiqft along-, the
and it appears, to be abufyand well-regulated fettle-
ment. Latitude-^; 36- S^-ljóngltude i° 44' W of Cape §an-
daha. ' ’ ? 1
Th© nekt day, about nöon, yjfe failed; and on the xath, in .
th i ’dvenirrg, anchored ii$ Sofirabyagoa'cT, iosfeven,fathoms:
the flag-ftafF bearing S - iW Ï diftance frofn/thè „fhore one
mile/ We found riding', here,/Teven' fquare-rigged; and
feyér&lfrWaller Vefteh.'., - * ‘ - '
It ! was too late, when we anchored,, tó fend a boat on
Ihore. The next morning, before day-light; three guard- Sonday ij.
boats ftartonSi' themfelVes near Us,' and- I Üwas, informed,
that I muft hot tand or lend a beat,hn morel This re-
ftriitioif, f learnt from the officer of the ggard-boats, was
in-conformity to general orders concerning all ftrange vef-
fèïs on their firft arrival. At nine in the fordneton, leave
cktne off for us to land, and Toon after thé guajfirbÖats.
^ I wWjéceived onftiore with great civility arid friendfhip
by the governor, ór Opperhooft, M.' Ant.-Bar|ay, and the
commandant of the tropps, M. de B'bfé. 'Ï By thefe gentlemen
1 was' hofpitably entertained, and advife'd to remain
tiil the 16th, when fome veftels were to fail, With whom I
might keep company, Which t|ey recommended: oh account
-of pirates. - r 1
Sourabya-is one of t h e moft pleafant places Ï e.Vei laW.
It is fituatéd on the banks of a riveiy and is a,mile and a
K k W W