£ 178.8. taken, and ' affuredhinr that: I was perfectly fetisfied’; for
■ CT°BEE'. lie ftillièëmed apprehenfiveof'mydifpléafure.
■ We took leave, for a ihort time of Oreepyah, and I pRH
ceedèd^with. Tinahto make myrvdfit to the ;young Otoc^
theEbr'ee Rahiè. When, we had walked about five minutes^
Tinah ftoppèd,: and’ informed me r that no • peifon could*
bé permitted to fee his/Tony who" was covered; above, the
fhoulders. ;f fe then took off his 'upper"garments,rand
réquefted I would do the; femè.: I replied, • that I had nó
objë6tiöh tor'göjas l would to my own king,- 'who was: the
‘ gteateft in all the world; and, pulling off my hat, he
threw a piece of cloth round ;my fhoulders,: and w e
went on; About ? a' quarter • of a mile farther towards this
hills,; through a delightful fhade o f bread-fruit trees, ,wé
flopped at: the fide of a fmall Serpentine river :'!here I .was
in :^ië# o f a hóüfe oh the other fide, ait about fifty y&rds
'diftanté. " 'From this hoiife thé young king: was | brought
öütuir a man’s: flxoialders, clothed\ in' a piecë' io£ ;fine white
ttofh, and I was'-defired’by Tinah'to fahitehhnhy .theinailie
- o f ‘tod' Earee Rahie. Thè préfdnt which I had prepared
was' divided into three parts, and two other cbnldren made
their' appearance in the feme manner. The ftrft prefent
1 gave' to a meffehgér who attended for that purpofe; and
1 was inftru£tedbyr Tinah to fayy that it. was for thèEaree
Rabie ‘, that 1 was his friend; that 1 hated thieves; and" that
I cafne from Britannia. The fecond prefent, was; fpnfrin
the’ fame manner, w ith, a fimilaf méffege, to one- of. the
Other children; arklflikoWifiethe thiixl. :,
> As I could not feè th&'Earee Rabie diftin&ty, f ; defired
to be. permitted tovgb over the river; to him; but; thi£»/J.t
Teems," could hot becomplied with: therefore, after feeding
the prefents delivered, I returned with; Tinah; tow^ds
Oreepyah’s ‘houïe. I was informed that Tinah had four
children ‘by- his!< Wife,,:Iddeah’.\. ©too, or-Too, the Earee ,----
Rahie, 'appeared ió -hé^bouf fix: years old-: -the fecond is a
girl, named Terrenah Oroah: * the 'third, *a boy,-Ter reet ap-
pitiooai; 'and a* fourth, an infant gifl, whom I- did not fee,
n^med-ThhamtdopaKt \\ ' • ,}- 1',,/ -> XiI * v‘
WhenJWe-damé"!to, the ‘place* whetd we hadf firft flopped,
Tinah toék thé cloth from my -fhoulders, and defined me
to put my hat*ohT’i expreffed a défilé;to fee more,of the
place, and hotobk me back by--a different way.^ Ontpafling
a trunk‘of M*tVeé» rudely carved, I w é defired again to pull
ihy hat off, and fell- uncovered -their- fhoulders. This I ■
difcovérêéfo be -nothing ïh&re than the; bohndary.of the
kingVland; on-Which, whoever-fet their:feet, uncovered
themfelves out?ö£ feèipêét. '• * ; *• ■ *' ’
We'ftopped at khoufe betonging <tó-, T ihahy where I was
treated with a^coheërt-Of Éjfë drum and three-'fintes, With -
Tinging'by four'toen.- I made fome prefects jto the, per-
förmérs, and ;we -removed- to Oreepyah’s houfe, where,
after paying my compliments-to him, which I-found was
'è^eÉcd^Tin'ay made me a prefent - Of- aH large- hog, and
fomeito‘éok-kuts. He then*' introduced- an uncle of -his,
tilled Mowworo’aha-tery *èld man, muhh.tkttbwed,-- and
almoft blind. • Tö th& chief-I made a préfertt; and foon
after I* embarked, with-'Tièahj Oreepyah, their wives, and
!Pbeeiióv-''A vaft £number ofpeople were colïé&éd: ©n the
ibeach tó felkts'$epart ;*and^3Qb©:as the boat had-put óff,
Tinah defired -me- §É fire-my ^pocket pifloly-the popo&e <
ete eteyiphe tailed:it-: the report feemëdtö éleörify the
whole-ctoud; but -findingno harm done, dhey gave great -
’ fhouts of-approbation1.' ?
' Melfon, who -foeoTBpanied • me* in this expedition, had
L 2 . - hut