A V O t A G ' E ' T Q
1787,S « griswsu^n the boughs- like apples; it is as big as-a penny-
¥ C'B bufhel*,
“ round fhape, and/hath a thickitou^k 'cifld. When the
“ fruit is - ripev if- ® yeUbw and toft,'and tfie tafte is;.fwetet
« and' pleafark. 1 The natives; pf »Gu^n\ ufe k for Bfead.-
« They-gather it, when full-grown, while it is grcp, and
« hard; then'lheybake it .in .an oven^ which fcorpleth the
« rind andnnak.es it black; bufrthpy fcrape off die outfidp
V black cruftfand there remains a tender thihcruft; and the-
a inlide is. foft, tender, and white like thte crumb o fa penny-
a ^ f . There is neither feed np'% ftane-va. the infide, but all
« is Of a pure fubtfahce,Tike 'bread. It muft be eaten new \
«' for, i f it is kept aboVe t-wentyAfgur hours, it grows harfh
«andchoaky; but i t i|wery pleaffct before it .is-! too- ftale.
« This fruit lafts.infeafcn- eij^ t monthsjfa. the year, during’
‘ « which the natives^^t no o^^jorTiJ^food o f bread kincL
■ « 1 did never fee of l i i s fruit anywhere bhthere. The:
« natives told us, that there is plenty of-this'-S^it gro wing
« on the ‘reft of the Ladrone inlandsand I didtyever hear
a of it any where elfe? V e l.b vp.*£9b-'r
Z xn aB Jrtm the account 'of Lord Jnfpn's Voyage^p\bli/hed
by Mr. WSter. ;
- « TH ER E was, at Tinian, a kind.of fruit, peculiar: to>
“ thefe (Ladrone) iflands* called b y theTndians rhyme®» but
« hy us-the br/ad-fruit \ for it was.eouftantly eaten by us,
« during-our ftaykipon the ifland *, inftead of bread j and
„ « fo univerfally peferred, that no {hip’s hreacl was expended
« in that^wholeinterval, i t grew upon a tree-which is
* About two months i. v iz . &om the latter end o f Anguft to-the latter end o f
Oftober, 1742. 1 /: '/■ ’’> - . j m | • * sfcitl l - .“. jf.o mew,h at,