Dece^bbh w^iC^ they wilbed to have repaired by flre forgé, without de-
^ej^mber. ja^ tjlat wj.iat wanted might -be‘dome before theihip left
Mat&vai, wbjfeh f told jt&em would be in à few days. -They
very e a r n e d ifttreateid I would Eay ohe month longer, l
reptefented this as impofiible, aDdwfked Tinah i f he would
hot go with me to pm so ; -but he^aidrthat, notwitMtend-
-ing my protêtjen, he was certain the -Etaeo people WOOM
watch „Jar anuopportunity to kill him..' He remained oa
board with me all night, but his; wife Went on fliore, and
returned early in the morning, bringing with her fbrhèr
axes* and otfc^ ithiqgs» that; were in need/of repair,
Saturday 201 ; When I went on fhore, I Sound OtoW, Obetlrèe-rofeh,,
Moamnàh, and feveral others, in great tribidteion at th e
thoughts that we were fo foOn to leave them. All th e
people of Matava^' 1 \&wv were imich concerned at my
•intention of going to Eimeo,iand took every opportunity
to prejudice me againft the people of that ifland:; to Which
I paidîyery fittfe tetention,. as/their motive/was f<s®vlousv
Their expreffîons'Of friendfhip and ®0e6tion^'r nifev however,
I could not disregard, as I had m doubt o f th d r feeing
- genuine iand uaafife&d^ ;aùd I .fiait w f «oWiKii%hefe m
leave thefe kind people fb much mcrfeafed, that the next
Sunday jfc . day,.I ieh t th e mafteripi&e iatmclrtd'3©^exsmine
o f water between this bay and - Toahroah harbour,
return edin the evening, and acquainted mè, that he found;
a. good bottom,, with not.lefi than hxteèn J s t b t^ s ^ t f e ^ î
the way. The harbors’ off Toahroah appearing every way
fefe, Î determined-to. get the fiiip there as fpeedily aspofi-
fibi^ and I smiaediately made my toentâon ptiMfe* which
occasioned great rejoicing.
Wrfnefdiy Ttes>day, wfefook the plants on board, beingyyiji
IZ: a healthy âate y dor whenever any plant la d an «nfa--
• 2 ; vourable
vouraMe rtopearaia3cei; it/Wa^ replaced.' by'Another. The *}**•
, ■ _ f _ ». ’ ■ -, • _ , . . ®ecembe*.
nufttbsftaf tholeasejoc^ed/Wasg^o^lor winch not-ofte in ten ■_ - - f
but) Was found to; be igrowing.-àt thé root. '■
. w; The natiyes 'recborf- eight ,tk|inds of, the. bread-fruit tree,
■ each'of which they diftinguifli bçna different iïame. ;ï.Püt*
teak.\j®ti&rw@ât^!idwannu. ^iiMrtrW ^'Qpteë. fafP&tóëffib\
y. ^peere^M.é^%Me00h^ 'fo; thet'’fi!rft^-fcvu®eto, and eighth
'<éa3«#th6i'il^ffdi9 fers.^ratói the reft ; the fourth is niore fi-
nuated ; the eighth h ^ B i# gebroad*- leaf, notât all önu&ed.
The difference' of;>thè fruit is principally iti t-Heofirît knd ■
eighth clafs. ha the fiarft, îlhfiAmif isrt^y$r;lMrgërbhdm0ïë
of an oblong form : in ttereightto., ntd^aroondund nötabÖ ve
half the 'fizeof <-ihe-;dth^,s. ï ènrpiired i f plantfetcotfld be
produced -finotfi the feed, and was told they could not, feint
that they rritifbbe taken.from thetrootr The piaMfs teefefeft
colfeteed after; Wet Weather,- at which tóraëiïfeeèSStói /balls
round the rootsj >and.;they tee I not liable': t*r> ftbffer by being
ÉOO Vieflï ?
, The stnoft dommön method b f dividing 'time at Otaheite 'is;
by moons i biff they Hkewife mâke a dmifSm-’d f ^Ae' ydâr
into fix ipart% 'fcafcl® Of Whidh is difïinguifiied^feffïtltfe tlüttàè
of the kind *ofi ferbad-Hfimt. «hen ÿh -fetfatii; infÜlîS' SÎiVïfidii
they keep a ifmall-jinterval càlëd^dÎKr^ .in which they dd
notiufe tbebre^-fruit. itrh%hjahodt the; fend wfEëferÛàryî,
wheh the frhbt is rnfoip m ;petfeétis®n,.;'• but itetse 5» && :paft
Of «he y fear fin which the trees- -are entirely Zbafe:. ’
: Thurfiiay’the At*d*|f-li^ht We uiimofere^rtand I
lent- the itonts îinOthei lauhch-to Oparre, with rdireiStions
that after landing, them, -the launch. flaould m eet the fliip.
in the entrance ©f Toahroah (harbour,) toi fhow the fefeili
part ofothe;1 dhatnnek- ,At ohalf rpaft ;teh^
under fail, and ran/downiiander. v.tbpvfailswhen ■ wfe. were:
. ne iur