place called Goupang, th é :N E.
I made figns for one-of them tdgo in the boat, and flicW
ns the way to Goupang, intimating that I would pay him
for his troublé: the map readify «complied, and- came- i-hto
the boat;
- Thefe people were o f a dark tawny colour, had long tflâek
hair, and chewed a great deal of beetle.-,,^Their drefs%as, a
fquare pieceefcloth round the hips,“ in- the -folds-of which
was ftuck à 'large knife ; a handkerchief wrapped-rouiSd
the head-; and another' hanging *by' the- four corners* from
the fhoulders, which ferved as a bag fornheirhéetlë equir
page; They brought u£*aMfewpidces of -dried turtle, -and
foine ears of Indiaffcofn. § This laft was thteurtoft-welco-n^f
for thé turtle wasfo hard, that-it -could not-be’--eaten, without
being firft föakéd in hot water.' They -offered -to,bring
us fondé' other refrefhmerits i f I-would -wait; -butÿ;aSfthé
pilot was willing, I determined - to pufh-’dn. *It/wâ#-a.bou-t
half an hour paft four-when -.we failed. •
By direction ofthe pilot, we kept -elofe t<5' fheteafl; lborê
under all our -fail ; but'-as night -came on, - the windediqd
aWay, and we Were obliged to "try’at the oarfepwhîchT -was
furprifed to fée, we éoukl-ufe ^with- fonate- è-fléCt. ’ At- *tén
o’clock, finding wè advanced but flöwl^,“I'c^mê t0f-a>gtap-
nel, and for the- firft tirnë;-1 iffued- double ^alfovtönöe^bf
bread and a little wine to each perfon.
Sunday the 14th. At'one o’clock in fixe morning^ fafter
the moft happy-àhdfwèet-jjfieep that ever men enjoyed, we
weighed, and continued to keep the eaft fhore on board, in
very fmooth water ; when at laft I -found we were Aagain
open to thé fea; the whole bf the* lahd to the weft ward, that
we had pafïèd, beîfig an iiland, which thepilot-hailed* P ulo
Samow. The northern entrance of this channel is about a
mile and- a half or two miles wide, and I had no ground at 1789;
ten fathoms. ' " E
; Thé report-bf tw«> eaiinom that were fired, gave new
Mfe twevbfy oifo; and foom after we difeovered two fquare-
rigged veffels, and a cutter at anchor to the eaft ward. W e
endeavoured -to work to windward, but were obliged to
takér to our oars again, having loft ground on each tack.
Wé kept elojÉftös ttefhofe, and continued rowing, till four
o%ioek, when I brought to a» grapnel, and gave another allowance
of breàdî and- wine to-all hands. As- foon as we had
reftêd a lMeyw’ë weighed- again, and- rowed till near day-
hght/whéö we camé to a grapnel, off a fmall fort and town,
which the pilot told’ me was Goupang,
* Among the- things' which the boatfwain had thrown,
into the Boat before‘we* left the ffiip, was a bundle of
figifeli 'flags that’ had been tiled by the boats to fhow the
depth of waiter in?1 founding : with thefe we had, in the
coUJtfo of the paflàge, made a final! jack, which I now
hbifted in the maiti' lhroudS,as a fignal of diftrefs ; for I
did hot think proper to land without leave.
• Sobh after day-break, afoldier hailed us to land, which I
immediately did,- among a crowd o f Indians, and was agreeably
fiarprifed to meet with an Englifh failor, who belonged
to1 one of the veflels in the road. His captain, he told me,
was; the fécond perfon in the town ; I therefore defined to
he conducted to him, as I was informed the governor was
ill, and could not then be fpoken with* . ( -,
Gaptain Spike rman received me with great, humanity.
I informed him o f our diftreflfed fituation ; and requefted
that care might he taken- o f thofo who werb with me,
without delay; On which* he gave directions for their
immediate reception at his own houfç, and went himfelf to
H h the