that Lieutenant Watts was in the Ihip ; who, having been
Jiere in the.Refolutipn with Captain Cook, was' well known
to them.— One,.of ray firjft enquiries;..a,sf will .naturally be
imagined, was after our friend Qmai ; and it. was a fenfible-
mortification and disappointment to me . to hear that not
only Qmai, but, body the New ZeaMnddboys who h#d been
left with him, were dead. Everyone agreed- in their information
that.they 'diàd à natural death. Otoo,r who was.
the .ohief .of Matavai.wben Captain Cook was here the iaft
time, was. abient at another part-of the ifland; they tbld
me meffengers were fen| to inform him of our arrival, and
that he waa -expe^ted to return 'iben. Thereo'âppêafed
among the nativeis^itt: general great goM-wffl'tow^ds usi
and they feeiped to be much rejoiced at our arrival. This
wbeje. day w^ e^fpfnçnced nq.jnftsijee o f djfhpneiiyq Ws
imsÊ / q: mupb crou4ç^, that J cpifid’p'ot jmderta£ç^o te-
njpye a .çiojKe .p^opgr t fiat-ion,. without' danger/.of /jT-
°PXtvifitQps, by. defiring them to leave (the fhipV
tbis ^nfinefs ,waSs. tfiecefore, deferred till the next morn*-
whom brought' m%r^s a ptel^tfromQtoo, a fmalt pig,
and a young pïMfain-trfeê,- aS a token of friendfhip. Thé
fhip was now plentifully ftpplïécf ■ with1 ptövifióïtó j1 eVéry
perfsn hytiuigfesi rbuch- as ffe'Could Cöttfathë. ‘
As föoé as the fliip* Was« fecurecf, l> Wéfif ón' ihófe with
the ëMef Poeeri-d* arid- accompanied by a multittide-bf the
liödives. Ffe'eondhifited me'-tö'thë pfetd WbeWydhad fixed!
our tents in 1777,-3*!#defired that f vtotild* nöW'apjif'ópriafë
the fipot- tb» die-feme1 rhfe. We* théit wèttt tCHfri the* fiéadh,
anti through w walk, delightfully' fhadfed* with brèrad-fruit
trees-i tbbïs ©Wh' houfe’. Here wé! fotiiïd t'wb Wötneh 'ai vkbtJH
flspÉSÉi^-a1 pjfeéè Of cloth red. Théfe I föutti ^feiè‘‘his'H^ifë
act^3iSi^i£teir. T&èydëfired'më tö'fifdbWiï-orf'a riiat, which!
wastfpread for the* pUrpofe, ahd' with2grèSt; kmdnéfs offered1
m i refrefhmerlt'si F received4 the cörtgrtttTfimpnS1 ©ff feveraï
ftrahgers, who carhe tt> us and hehaVfed-1 yfirh gietit'deéorti nr
andtattë«ïoh: The-peoplë*, höwefféf,' thronged dBout the
hdUfifj in fuch numbers, -that F was rrfttcïC into'rhmodèd by
the heat, Which being ©hferved", they immediately drew
•back. Among the' croud I* few a man who had'loft his
aïïifejtii aiiovo the elbow1 j the; fftimp' was wélf éovefedi
and the eurè febmed-' as- peifecSr as* could bë expëéted5 ffóriï'
the greater proffeffiona^ikdil."
I made enquiries about the cattle*that hVdbeëff teft'frére
bysCdpeain iCook, -but' the acbó'uflts Ï' received'1 were typity',
unfavourable,- and lO-Variouss that, for fhë'prefeht, I ftiair
forbear fpeaking^of them. After ftayingrabout'an hour, T
got: up to trfaëileayo,-when* the* Wömeti, iiffaJV'ëiyobliging*
manner^ , came to me with-a mat* arid5 a'pipêéJb1fth'e'ir findfr
cloth, which- they: put on me after11 thè" Ofaheite' fafiïiqn..
‘Wfaën l^f^s tMus dreft, they eaeh o f them tbbk one of m y
; bands;,’