T B E T S O U T H ff E A S„- &c.
4$ Coupang..
F'ïTÖKt tK©' great Humanity and attention of the govern *7^ -
nor, and the gentlemen, at Coupang, we received- <_
every kind, of afliftance, and were nop long without evi-1 Timor*
dentfighs,of returning health. Shortly after our arrival*
Eprefented to the governor, a formal account o,f the lofs.
iöï|the Bounty; and a requifitiqn, in„his Maj-efty’S name,
that inffru&ions might befent to alLthp Dutch fettlements,
to ftop the ftiip if fhemade her appearance. With this, a,
complete, defcriptive lift'of the mutineers jvas given.
I likewife requefted, in one^ef my ftrft vifits to tljxe g p »
v-ernor, that Nelfon might-have, permiflian i:o walk about
fhè country in fearchof plants, which was, fea|Uiy granted,
with an offer, of whatever, affiftance I t£houl(| think ne-
oeffary: and the governor affured me that the country, was-
well worth examination, as it,abounded \vith many curious
and medicinalplants. From this.Jtndujgenc©*,! derived no
benefit;' for Nelfon,L who finfce we left N©vy Hqlland, had
been but in a weak eonditiamr-ibout. ■ this.. .time Was -.taken
ill, in confequence of a cold caufed by- impfudeuftly leaving
off warm clothing.
I To fecure out; arrival at,Batavia, before *tj}© Qctq.berr,fleet
failed for Europe, I gave public notice p f, my bitentipn tq -
hit©- a veffel to carry‘us to Éafavia. In cdnfequence of:
I thiss