M a r ch .
Friday 27'.
arid iptëferi ^drives* ukcépt uriëy Which hè found burr owirig-inr
tlab groiiriè, and brought to trie-. TMs BiM was abèrit the
ïïzerifâ^ïgèôîiy' arid proved to be a whric-belliecbpeterel,...
rif the•fâïïïè kind as thbfe feëri ïn high latitudesy which are.
called fiieerwatcrs. He hlcewrie brought a branch of a
pîàrit, like the New 'Zealand tea-plant, and which, at Van
Piemen’s land-, we hacl'rna’de ufe'rif fdrhrborris^ 'From wfe*
hills he fawthe iflands Maitea arid Huaheihrit which à5t
l&uatoâ rie'ârîy In dpprifttfe ihreAibiîs ’from f6tah^th,Jand,
* Fdr Tomë ‘d^ÿ'S^tt1, Tinàh had bèdri towfcd dn getoèffc
'two PaYais,‘o i iftd’ürfiirig- drefiris, made,, which he riitbricibS
Jas à pféïent to Éirig 'Gebi^èr ^birig fiüîlhM, théy %ëfb
Jfïns morritog!hurig hp in his houfe^as'à'^tibïic exhibition»,
and a long praÿermàde ôri the ricciftbnV’ t fe %hifeiiicé
which was, ’that the King 'of ErigMndmîght jîôr éVer re-
mam h l s l ’rierfd, and riôV’toT^ètfhiffll'4’ W h eh h e^ eM fÆ ;
the pàraîs 'ïox me to tàkè1 ôri béard, he 'côriiâ riritriefMh
ifotri fhëdîrig îéafs. Duririg the Ihürt ^êmtiiridtr r if dur
“àay here, Iherë appeared arriông the itâtiVès'an 'ëSddéfft‘deA
gree of forrow, that we were fo foon to-leâ^e them, fvhïchi
they ftiewed by ririuïriâl hiridüëfs arid attentiori.
We began, this afterhobri, 'to fêtoriWb the plarits to The
fhip. They were iri excédent order: the'rôots had'appeared
through the bottom 6f the pots, and would have ftïôt-
into the 'ground, it!'cafe had riot 'heeri'faheri 'to prevent
The weather Wâs ôonfidetably alteredfbr the hettbri and
the trade-wind appeared'fettled. The rstfnyand bad feàfon.
of the year, ‘may be reckoned to begin towards the end Of
November, and to continue till near the end of March...
During this time, the winds are. variable, rind often wef-
x 1 terly*
tcrly, though we feldom found them to blow ftrong in -1789.
that direction. W e . like wife experienced frequent intervals , Ma*ch‘ .
ofjSne weather riPFi^g fhefe month^i fo'pptn a road
lifMatayai feajapi fafe anchoririg-pjace for fhips that
&t Gtaheite.
Tuefday the . 31ft, To-day, all the plants were on board, Tueflay 31.
being in 774 pots, ggtritoj .ané «# boxes, The number of
bread-fruit plants wem i©i $: bëfuiest which, we had collected
Q number of rifffer plants. Tha.tf^e^, which is' ripe o f the
fi;ned-davoured, fruristin top world • The, which is
^fruitlOOfei#; riek, feut Óf ahrié JteffQUF and very tofreflikig*
chat mu^/iiiMl^ja. ebefimt, which grows on a
fetge: tree, in great quantities; they a&e flngly >n large
po<h, from one to two Aph^s broad; and may ? be eaten
raw» or hQitediln the fetoe m^nsr ;a? Win^rir heaps, and
fo dfefled, ape equally good* T h é orai-ab, which is §. very
fupefiqr .klndmf plantain. All thefe ;i Was f^ r fa fg r ly
necommendod to cédeffe, by hay worthy friend, ’ sir Jofej^.
I had alfo tahon on hoard fome plants of the etfpw
and m m ,i : whh which the natives here make a beautiful
red colour ; and a roof called peeab, of which they make an
puddhag,; 1
I now mwle mylaft prefents to feyeml o f my friends,
with: whom I had been mnd intimate, partlciularly to
Teppahoo. | Several, people expqedèd great defire to gjq
writh us. Jo England, öedidee, who was always very much
attached to us, faid, he eonridered it as his right, having
formerly left his native place, to 'fail with «Captain Cook.
Scarce „any. man belonging to the fhip was without a tyo9
who brought to him prefents, .chiefly of prbvifions for a
T 2 Friday