D . b. 429. Electric ray, . eye of (raja torpedo). . 115
D. b. 430. Electric ray, . eye of (raja torpedo). . 116
D. b. 431. Shark, • sclerotic and ^cornea of, prepared ;by maceration.
. 116
D. b. 436. Gaj-pike, . eye pf (osox belone). . . . 116
>D. b. 437. Mullet, . eye of -(imigil cephalus). 116
D . b. 438. Pike, . eye'óf (esorc juches). 116
']). b. 439. P.ike,. . e-ye of (esox tucius). . 116
D . b. 440. Haddock, . choroidal gland of (gmhis Cegliffnus). . 116
SD. b. 460. Cuttlefish, . eye of {sepia loligo) j shewing .conjunctiva,
optic gland, Sec. . . . 116
SD. 6.461. Cuttlefish, . eye of }(s&pia-loligo) ; *in situ. . . 116
D. 6.4,62. Cuttlefish, . conjunctiva of (sepia off'cinaiis) ; supplying
place of cornea. 117
L>. 6,463. Cuttlefish, i eye of (sepia officinalis) ; detached. . 117
D. 6. 464. Cuttlefish, eye of '(sepia loligo) ; showing hyaloid,
lens, fee. . 117
D. 6. 465. Cuttlefish,— . . lens, ciliary processes, choroid, &C. of
(sepia officinalis). 117
D. 6. 466. Cuttlefish, . eye of, in situ (sepia officinalis). . 117
ID. 6. 480. Lobster, . eyes of (cancer gammarus). . . 117
D. 6. 490. Dragon-fly, . . eyes of (lïbellula varia). J .H .
D . c. 510. Human ear, . cartilages of. . . . « 118
D. c. 511. ----------ear, . ceruminous ifollicles of 118
D. c. 512. ----------ear, . nerves of. . . . . . 118
D. c. 513. ----------ear, . labyrinth of,'in base cranii: glass-case. 118
D. c. 514. —-------ear, . eight preparations of : in glass-case. 119
D. c. 515. ----------ear, . valuable preparation of. 119
D. c. 516. ----------ear, small bones and muscles of. 119
D. c. 517. ----------ear, . ossicula of. . . . . . 119
D. c. 518. ----------ear, . musculus stapedius of. . . . 119
D. c. 519. —j— ear, . temporal bone of ; labyrinth and bone dissected.
D. c. 520. ----------ear, labyrinth dissected. . . . . 119
D. c. 521. —-------ear, vestibule of, displayed. 120
D. c. 522. ----------ear, showing labrynth in the cartilaginous state. 120
D. c. 523. ----------ear, magnified model of the canals and cochlea of. 120
D. c. 530. Deaf and Dumb boy, ear of. . . . . . . 120
D. c. 542. Monkey, external ear of (simia sabeca). J.H.
D. c. 543. Monkey, internal ear of. . . 120
D. c. 550—641. 187
D. c. 550. Bear,
D. c. 551. Coati-mundi,
D. c. 552. Mole, .
D. c. 553. Cat,
D. c. 554. Cat, . .
D. c. 555. Bat,
D. c. 556. Bat,
D. c. 570. Guinea pig,
D. c. 571. Guinea pig.
D. c. 572. Squirrel,
D. c. 573. Rat,
D. c. 574. Cavy, .
D. c. 575. Marmot,
D. c. 584. Sheep,
D. c. 585. Alpaca,
D. c. 590. Horse,
D. c. 591. Horse,
D- c. 592. Elephant,
D. c. 600. Seal, .
D. c. 601. Seal, .
D. c. 607. Porpoise,
D. c. 608. Porpoise,
D. c. 609. Porpoise,
D. c. 610. Whale,
D. c. 620. Owl,
D. c. 621. Owl, .
D. c. 622. Sparrow,
D. c. 623. Goose,
D. c. 624. Goose,
D. c. 625. Goose,
D. c. 626. Swan,
D. c. 627. Ostrich,
D. c. 628. Ostrich,
D. c. 637. Turtle, .
D. c. 638. Frog,
D. c. 639. Toad,
D. c. 640. Serpent,
D. c. 641. Rattlesnake,
. external ear of (ursus arctos). J.H.
. external ears of (viverra nasua). J. H. . -.
. external & internal ears of (talpa Europeea). 120
external ear of (feliscatus, L.) . . 121
. internal ear of. . . . . 121
. external ears of; very large. J. H.
. internal ear of (vespertilio murinus). . 121
. external ear of (cavia, L.). . . . .
. internal ear of. . . . . . . 121
. internal ear of (sciurus vulgaris'). . 121
. internal ear of (mus rattus, L.). . . 121
. external ears of (cavia paca, L.). J. H.
. external ears of (marmot alpinus). J. H.
. internal ear of (ovis 'aries, L.) . . 121
. ossicula of the ear of (cameluspaco). J. H.
. external ear and muscles of (equus caballus). J.II
. ossicula of the ear of. J. H. . .
. a section of the mastoid cells of (elephas
Africanm). J. H.
. meatus auditorius externus of (phoca vitulina).
. . . • . . 121
. meatus auditorius externus of; showing the
ceruminous glands. . • . 121
. external ear of (delphinus phocrcna). . 121
. temporal bone of (delphinus phocema). J. H. ..
. ossicula of the ear of. J. H. . . ..
. tympanum of the ear of. J. H. .
. external ear of (strixflammea). J. H. . ..
. internal ears of. . . . . . 1 2 2
. internal ear of (frangilla domestica). . 122
. external ear and eustachian tube of (anas
dnser). . . . . . . . 122
. internal ear of. . . . . 1 2 2
. ossiculum of the ear of. 122
. ossiculum of the ear of (anas cygnus). J. Id. ..
. external ear of (struthio camelus). J. H.
. ossiculum of the ear of. J. H. ,
. ossiculum of the ear of (testudo mydas). J.H. ..
. earn of (rana temporaria). . . . 122
. ears of (rana bufo). . . . " 122
. anatomy of the ear of (coluber natrix). . 123
. ossicula of the ear of (crot. horridus). J. H. ..