Below the origin of the arteria in two branches of nearly equal psirzoef,u wndhaic hth irsu nv epsasreal lldeilv iadneds tcrliocseep sto, weahcehr eo tthheery ausn fiater aasg athine aonpde nfionrgm ina tshine gtleen tdrounn ko,f tthhee ppoecptl itferaolm a rttherayt. veTshseel puonpdlietre aol rtdhinuasr yfo rcmirecdu mdisftfaenrsc eisn. noT rhesis
tvaalr iReteyp ionr ttsh, ev ofel.m 4o.r aOl nalryte royn ei so vtheeryr irnasrtea. ncSee eo fD iut bisli nre Hcoorsdpeid
—tietdh afot rb tyh eS icru Cre. oBfe laln, ainn ewurhiiscmh ionn teh eo fh athme, bsuubtd wiviitshioounts swuacs
cess, as the other branch continued to convey blood into the
aneBu.r ics. m3a4l7 .s aIcr.r—egJu. laHr.ity in the anterior tibial artery. This nveesasl ewl hisi cuhn cuosmuaelsl yf osrmwaalrld atnhdr oeungdhs tbhye jionitneirnogs sweoituhs tlhigea pmeeront
ag ivliitntlge aobffo vthee t hsea manek bler,a nacnhde sr,u nasn do nt etrhmei ndaotrinsugm in otfh teh es afmooet maBn.n ec.r 3a4s8 t.h eT hainst ewrihoirc hti bisi aal wuseut aplrleyp adroaetsio.—n sJh. eSw.s an unusual artBer.y c e. n3t6e1ri.n gA i nptroe ptharea itniofenr ioorf ethxetr ehmeaitryt oanf tdh eb lkoioddn-evye.s—seJl.s Ho.f aw amxo, nthkeey v e(isnims wiai tsha bbcleuae) .; anTdh eb oatrhte sryiesst eamres ianrjee cdtiesdse wctietdh arnedd exhBi.b ict.e d3 6a5l.l tAh rosuugcche tshsfeu el xitnrejemcittiioens .—of Jt.h Se .heart and bloodvanesds
eallsl othfe a vdeosgs.e ls Tohfe aanrtye rniaolt es yisnt emth eis breodd,y t haen dv eenxoturse mbliutiee sj areB c. lce.a r3l6y6 d. eAm opnrsetpraatreadti.o—n Js. hHow. ing the heart, and the vesosefl
tsh ien atohret at h: othraex f iorfs ta fduorngi.s heTsw tho et rriugnhkts s uarbicsela vfrioamn atnhde baorcthh carBo.t icd.s 3; 67th. eA s eccloansds cbaesceo mcoens tathinei nlegf tt wsuob pcrlaevpiaarna.t—ion;Js. Hof. th.e acnirdc ublalotioodn- viens seal sb aodfg tehre (turrusnuks manedle sa)n. terOionre esxhtorewms ittihees h: etahret toitdhse r feoxrhmibinitgs tthhee arrteetrei esm oirfa tbhiele h eaatd ,t hwei ths itdhee ionfte rtnhael ccaerlola
turBci.c ca.. —36J8.. HT.he pelvis, rectum, bladder and posterior extremity
of a dog ; showing the distribution of the arteries to
theBs.e cp. a3r6ts9..— TJh. eH f.oot of a horse injected with wax and presseenrvseibdl
ei n hsopoirfi tws hoifc thu rlpieesn tibneet,w seheonw itnhge thbeo nvea sacnudl atrhitey hoof rtnhye hsuoroffa. ce Tish eo naer teurniienst earrreu pretedd, asntrda ttuhme v eoifn sa nyaeslltoowm o: stehse.— wJh-o Sle.
descriptive catalogue. 83
jecBte. dc .w 3i7th0 .w Tahxe— ftohoet foofr ma ecra lrfe dw, itthh et hlaet atertre brileuse .a nTdh vee tirnusn ikns
and branches of both the anterior and posterior tibials are
weBll sch o3w7n1..— AJ .p Hre.paration showing the vascular system in a dmoounbsltee rf oinet atlh cea lmf. useAusm t,h ear eg eanreer asle vaecrcaol upnret poafr tahtieomns s ohfa llt hbise ogniv ethne h sehree lvwesi.t h Trehfeer ecnhceesst t(oG e. abc.h 1i2n3 t)h ewiar sr edsopuebclteiv, et hpel atcweos csiodmesp abretminegn tss epcaornattaeidn ebdy aal l fitbhreo uosr gpaanrst ibtieolno.n giBnagc hto oaf wthelel fvoersmseelds. thoTrhaex , avbizd.o, mae hne oarnt ,t htew oco lnutnragrsy, wanads tah esirin rgelsep eccavtiivtye hnaevarinlyg tofourc hiitns g beoaucnhd aoritehse,r —suinpfeerriioorrllyy atwndo astp tinhael scidoelus mthnes tawbdoo tmhoinraalx ’ms—usacnlde sp—osatnerteiorirolyrl ya pae dlviaisp. hraTghme licvoemr mwoasn stion gthlee, bfruotm a pitpse ahraevdi nags itfw ito wgearlel, bfolarmddeedr sb, y ftrhoem coitnsj ubnecintigo ns uopfp tlwieod, twwioth stewtso osfe htse poaft ich evpeaintisc, aorntee rlieeasd, inagn dt of rtohme riitgsh st,e ntdhien go tohuert tdoé nthuem sl,e fwt hheicahrt .l attTehr,e rheo wweevree r,t wsooo ns tobmecaacmhse aunndi tetwd oa dt uaon
adceur toe fa intsg lceo, umrsea,k ianngd ao nsein agnleu sin ;t essetein Gal- cba. n1a2l 6f.o rT thhee kreidmnaeiyns
wleeftr e ofo ntlhye towthoe irn : ntuhme bcelro, seth per orxigimhti toyf oof nteh ea nsipminael sa nadt tthhies pTlhaecree pwreevreen ltiekde,w piseer htawpos ,t etshtiec' ldees vceolorrpemspeonnt doifn gth teoi rt hfee llsoawmse. sdiodmese no wf atsh ea ssipnignlees caasv itthye ( skeied tnheey ssk. elTethoen ,p Gel.v ibs. l1ik23e .)t hbeo uabndneadta
,a bwohviec hb yth towuog hsa carrutimcusl,a atendd sounp tehreio srliyd ews ibthy doisfsfae riennnto msai-
gcreunmeosu, sj opienlevdis i anfffeorirodreldy aattt aac chommemnot tno s tyhme tpwhois ilsim. bTs.h Iisn htheete rcoav&
icty. wofe trhe ec opneltvaiins,e da bj lbaudtd tehr,e p oepnpiso,s vitees ihcuallsvee ss éomf einaaclhe sb, eulroentgeresd, tfoec td isfyfestreemnt aonfi moraglas,n sa. ndT whee reo pspoo usinteit edsi daess too ff otrhme obnlea dpdeerr
bwleoroed s-vuepspsleielsd f rwomith d nifefrevreens tf raoomrta de if: ftehreen ut rsepteinrsa lw mhaircrho wens,t earnedd tshpein oesrg, aanlt hcoamugeh f rthomey kjiodinneeyds i tw, haisc hif cboerlroensgpionngd etod toon ed iafnfeirmeanlt wtoiot,h thtwe od purcotsp eorf kthiden teeyssti—cle(Gs .a bb.o v1e2 5a)l.l udTehde tov,a sfao rdmefeedr ecnotmia-, M